Is anyone else seeing a problem like this one?  I searched the group a
bit and saw some other people with some problems dragging things in
Firefox, but nothing that seemed exactly like this.

The site I have is here.

The site makes routes by sending Google a start point, some waypoints,
and an end point.  So far so good.  However, the route is supposed to
be draggable.  In IE it is.  In Opera it is.  In Firefox (5.0) it acts
like it's draggable (if you mouse over the route you see a new
waypoint and the message that you should drag it to change the route),
but the points just won't drag normally.  If you move the mouse, the
point starts to move and then just stays where it is until you bring
the mouse back.  Then the point seems to recognize the mouse again and
kind of moves, but not really.

This all used to work in Firefox, although I don't know exactly when
it seems to have stopped working well.

Does anyone else see this problem?

Does anyone have any ideas what to do about it?

Oh, I also checked the Google Maps page itself.  That works fine under
this version of Firefox.  That is, dragging of routes works just like
it's supposed to.  Was there some change made to the API for embedding
the map that took place that I should have done to make it work
correctly in FF 5.0?

Thanks for the advice if anyone has any.


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