Hi - the function below is called to create a set of markers on a map.
My problem is that within the marker click listener I am trying to
change the icon image. What is in fact happening is that the last
marker to be added to the map ends up showing my 'special' icon as
soon as it is drawn and the click event does not change the icon for
any clicked marker. The 2 alerts show the problem - the first alert
shows the correct marker id value onclick, the second alert always
shows the id of the last marker added to the map and this is the
marker that is given the 'special' image. So I guess my question is
how to do get the setIcon method to act on the marker identified in
the first alert.

Hope that makes a bit of sense to someone. Thanks for any help given
as usual.

function createMarker(markerData) {
        loc = new google.maps.LatLng(markerData.lat, markerData.lng);

        marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                position: loc,
                map: map,
                icon: image,
                html: content,
                id: markerData.id

        google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
                $("#markerDetail" + markerData.id).trigger("click");
                $('#markerDetailCont').scrollTo("#markerDetail" + markerData.id,

                map.panTo(new google.maps.LatLng(markerData.lat, 

        return marker;

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