I'd really like to know a fix for this too. It's been a problem for me
for quite a while and I can't easily get write permission
to .htaccess.

On Jul 27, 1:46 pm, Kesuke <nick_dai...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I am using custom tile overlays on a map. To fetch the tiles I use the
> generic method:
>  function createImageMapType(id, opacityvalue) {
>     return new google.maps.ImageMapType({
>       getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {
>         return "/tiles/" + id + "/"+ zoom + "_" + coord.x + "_" +
> coord.y + ".png";
>       },
>       tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),
>       isPng: true,
>       opacity: opacityvalue
>     });
>   }
> Here is the problem: My map uses lots of transparent PNG tiles, and
> infact some tiles are completely transparent. So rather than have
> thousands of 3kb empty PNG files, I just don’t have those tiles.
> This works but it technically generates a lot of 404 bad request
> errors. An average user visit can make as many as 300 bad requests.
> This really hurts page load time and also looks bad for search
> engines.
> So, does anyone have an idea how I could only fetch tiles that
> actually exist?
> One other idea I have had is could I setup an .htaccess rule that
> redirects to a universal empty PNG file for any tile that can’t be
> found (so it doesn’t return a bad request).
> I don’t want to generate empty tiles as I have over 130 custom tile
> overlays for zoom levels 1 through 5. Just at zoom level 5 that would
> be something like 140,000 files and my server is limited.

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