Hi Everyone,

I am trying to add two KML file as overlay to my map but I have
problem with removing them.I tried to modify some code from:
But the problem here is the tutorial is trying to create new map for
each checkbox, however I want to have just one map with several
checkbox overlay options which can be add or remove kml layer to map.
Can you please let me know where can I find a sample which add kml as
an overlay which can be remove when the checkbox are Un Checked.

Here is what I was trying to do but as you see I clear all kmls
whenever I un check a chekbox

function showKML1(chk) {
    if(chk.checked == true) {
    myMap = new google.maps.KmlLayer('https://sites.google.com/site/
bgeoca/kmls/States.kmz', {
    map: map    });
  else {

function showKML2(chk) {
    if(chk.checked == true) {
    myMap = new google.maps.KmlLayer('https://sites.google.com/site/
bgeoca/kmls/Mines.kmz', {
    map: map
        else {

<input type=checkbox onClick="showKML2(this)" /> City<br />
<input type=checkbox onClick="showKML1(this)" /> States<br />

Thanks for you time in advanced

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