Exact : the same questions generally lead to the same answers !


*   @desc Check if polygon contains point.
*   @return boolean
GPolygon.prototype.Contains = function(point) {
    var j=0;
    var oddNodes = false;
    var x = point.lng();
    var y = point.lat();
    for (var i=0; i < this.getVertexCount(); i++) {
      if (j == this.getVertexCount()) {j = 0;}
      if (((this.getVertex(i).lat() < y) && (this.getVertex(j).lat()
>= y))
      || ((this.getVertex(j).lat() < y) && (this.getVertex(i).lat() >=
y))) {
        if ( this.getVertex(i).lng() + (y - this.getVertex(i).lat())
        /  (this.getVertex(j).lat()-this.getVertex(i).lat())
        *  (this.getVertex(j).lng() - this.getVertex(i).lng())<x ) {
          oddNodes = !oddNodes;
    return oddNodes;

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