First of all, performance will be very slow when handling this number
of markers. I would guess that Internet Explorer, the slowest of the
browsers, would be totally unusable.

To answer your question: MarkerClusterer does not trigger events when
it starts (and ends) clustering.

However, MarkerClustererPlus does support such events. The events are
called clusteringbegin and clusteringend. See the documentation at
Providing handlers for these events should allow you to display (and
hide) a status message at the appropriate times.

The MarkerClustererPlus library is located at

See also Issue 82.


On Aug 22, 5:39 am, Répás Zoltán <> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'd like to show 34614 points in google maps with markercluster, and I'd like 
> to make a preloading… message before it shows.
> Are there a markerCluster.finished-printing-markers event? :)
> And if not, how can i handle it?
> Thanks for the help,
> Répás Zoltán

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