
The cursor change issue seems to be unique to InfoBox -- it doesn't
happen when using google.maps.InfoWindow. Not sure what trick Google
has used to prevent the cursor change, but I'd like to find out!

I can see how your workaround solves the problem as well. But if
you're not dealing with a large number of markers (where speed is
important) setting optimized to false is certainly the easiest


On Aug 24, 9:22 am, Pil <wolf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Very good debugging work, Gary.
> I've also played around with the example and came to a rather more
> dirty workaround. When you set a global boolean - let's call it
> 'opened' - to true as long as an infowindow is open you can avoid
> firing a new mouseover event until 'opened' is set to false.
> But both your workaround and my dirty workaround aren't able to
> prevent that the mouse cursor will change to the 'pointer' cursor when
> hovering over a marker icon underneath the opened infobox (in the
> original example).
> I'd guess is that this is caused by the huge library[1] 'handlebars.
> 1.0.0.beta.3.js' which is - in my eyes - absolutely redundant.
> [1] Because this doesn't happen in the bug report example
> http://www.luxcentral.com/bug/infowindow-bug.html
> even when applying a workaround.
> On Aug 24, 5:22 pm, Gary Little <g...@luxcentral.com> wrote:
> > See Issue 3573
> >http://code.google.com/p/gmaps-api-issues/issues/detail?id=3573
> > On Aug 24, 7:55 am, Gary Little <g...@luxcentral.com> wrote:
> > > Rob,
> > > OK, I've now figured this out. It turns out the problem occurs when
> > > using markers that have the optimized property set to true -- and with
> > > current versions of Google Maps API the default setting is true. In
> > > this situation Google uses a canvas to render markers and it seems
> > > this is interfering with event capturing.
> > > It turns out the problem occurs not only with InfoBox but also with
> > > google.maps.InfoWindow.
> > > The workaround is to set the optimized property to false when creating
> > > your markers.
> > > I'm going to file a bug report against google.maps.InfoWindow --
> > > hopefully the same fix can be applied to InfoBox.
> > > Gary
> > > On Aug 22, 7:40 am, RobRoyAus <robroy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Hi all,
> > > > I'm using the InfoBox (this 
> > > > versionhttp://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/infobo...)
> > > > with the InfoBox for each marker popping up on mouse-over.
> > > > My test page is 
> > > > here:http://dev-default.wales.info/town-new.asp?propertytown=cardiff
> > > > (with opacity of the InfoBoxes set so you can see underlying markers)
> > > > When you mouseover a marker the correct InfoBox pops up and links in
> > > > the InfoBox are clickable. However, when the open InfoBox overlaps
> > > > another marker and you move the cursor across the open InfoBox and
> > > > over the underlying marker, the mouseover event of the underlying
> > > > marker fires and its InfoBox opens. The desired behaviour is that an
> > > > open InfoBox should sit on top of everything and mask events for any
> > > > hidden markers until it is closed.
> > > > Isn't this supposed to be handled by the "enableEventPropagation"
> > > > property of the InfoBox options? I have it set to false.
> > > > Thanks for your help
> > > > Rob

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