Yeah, if you know what to look for, which I didn't really.

However, I'm going insane here, because I just cant get it to work...
At first I got loads of errors like I didnt close the arguments with an ), 
which I fixed by using setContent({ content: "text" });
Which is weird, because the documentation doesnt mention that the use of { 
} brackets is required...

I also sometimes get this error:

> Fout: Ongeldige waarde voor eigenschap <content>: [object Object]
> Bronbestand: 
> Regel: 28

That makes no sense at all, because my content is set up properly?
Atleast, I think so.
An example of the generated script can be:

infowindow4.setContent({ content: 'Wow, no bail, hij draait nu letterlijk de 
bak in.....gewoon tussen de inmates hoop ik, waar hij hoort, tussen de fellow 
moordenaars!!' });
> marker4.setPosition(51.575180,5.066711);
> marker4.setTitle({title: 'saskiatijger'});
> or

> infowindow1.setContent({ content: '<a 
> href=\"\ 
> <view-source:>"
>  target=\"_blank\">@N_ickster</a> Dat dacht ik al ;-)' });
> marker1.setPosition(51.586412,4.987198);
> marker1.setTitle({title: 'jackyraimond'}); 
> An example page of the generated script:


Perhaps you can see something that is wrong?

The markers just won't move or change content...

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