I have tryed to change the value of start so it uses geolocation but
i can`t figure out how to do it right.

On 17 Nov, 20:51, Rossko <ros...@culzean.clara.co.uk> wrote:
> > I find my position on the map automatically via geolocation, but can`t
> > figure how i can get the "end" dropdownlist to work propperly.
> >     // Retrieve the start and end locations and create
> >     // a DirectionsRequest usingDRIVINGdirections.
> >     var start = document.getElementById("start").value;
> >     var end = document.getElementById("end").value;
> Fairly obviously, that is where to substitute the values you want.
> It's only javascript, what have you tried so far?  Find out how to use
> javascript to get the value of your 'end' selectbox, that isn't maps
> specific.

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