On Nov 18, 10:36 am, Mike Dolbow <mike.dol...@state.mn.us> wrote:
>    1. Do you get any errors? Try an initial text geocode, then dragging or
>    clicking to move the marker. It seems like the second one fails more
>    frequently.

No, I dragged the marker to about 10 different locations and no

>    2. How do I know if I'm up against limits? I wouldn't think I was even
>    close.

The status would be google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OVER_QUERY_LIMIT

>    3. Do you see any errors or potential flakiness in my code? The
>    uncompressed version is here:
>    http://gis.mda.state.mn.us/maps/js/territories.js

In the function placeMarker(), you are adding a new event handler, (or
listener), every time the marker is moved. You should add only one
listener, when the marker is created.

Marcelo - http://maps.forum.nu

> Thanks in advance for your help.

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