I'm having this problem: I have two Google maps in one page, showing just 
one a time. One shows a user-selected preferred store. If the user wants to 
choose another one, a WebService provides the nearest ones, and with that 
info, I hide the first map (and some associated elements), create another 
map and show it.

Here is the fiddle:


I have several questions:

   Calling the Google Maps API directly (not via google.load), is there a 
   way to determine when the script has loaded completely so I don't run into 
   the "google is not defined" error?
   Is it OK what I'm doing to have two maps? Passing references to var 
   currentMapId, searchMapId? As I'm sending a reference, I thought it 
   might work... It's working, but I think it's kind of stupid. I don't know 
   if just having one reference is OK.
   Try to click the buttons fast over and over again, the map shifts and a 
   large gray area appears. This is not a big deal on the fiddle, but it is on 
   my application, as sometimes it stays that way forever, even if the user 
   drags the map. This is actually my most important question, the other two 
   are just about code organization and optimization. How can I fix it?
   Finally, I don't know if it's my impression, but it seems to load the 
   maps extremely slowly when you drag it around.
*Note: Actually my second map never loads, but the application is so big, 
I'm still testing the reason. For some weird reason, the map starts loading 
whenever I resize the browser.*

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