On Nov 29, 3:21 am, Janusz Kobylarz <butche...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So i need thathttp://maps.forum.nu/v3/gm_directions.html
> but for country not county
> i have no idea how its done but maybe someone of you can explain me that

If you examine the code you'll see that the client gets directions
from Google and sends the obtained polyline to the server, which
replies with the county data. What happens on the server side is that
a spatial database server containing the geometry of the counties
calculates the intersection between the polyline and the polygon of
each county.
So, you need a spatial database and the data for the counties or
countries of interest. If you don't want to intall and administer a
spatial database and you only have to deal with a handful of
countries, you can probably achieve similar results with a plain text
file holding the country polygons and a point-in-polygon function that
checks each point in the route against each polygon.

Marcelo - http://maps.forum.nu

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