On Dec 14, 10:35 am, K Lo <klo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> First thing is that the titles of the markers doesn't always show in
> FF (I'm using 8).  Some do some don't.  One thing I figured is that if
> I move my mouse pointer outside of the maps boundary and back inside,
> the one that didn't show title would then show title.  I am thinking
> of making the map full screen and that problem is going to make my map
> unusable for 1/3 of the browser out there.

I don't have FF8. Looks fine in Chrome.

> Second thing is the custom overlay image seems to be on top of the
> markers.  Is there a place I can stick a zIndex to so it'll appear
> underneath?

Try adding the overlay before adding the markers.
They go on the same mapPane, so as you're doing it now, when you do
the markers are already there.

> Third thing is, if I link away from the map and then back, all markers
> load regardless of the checkboxes status before I link away.  Any
> suggestion on how can I control this so the right site of markers will
> show when I return to the map by clicking 'back' on the browser?

It's an AJAX application, so it does not preserve the state unless you
preserve it in a server session or a cookie. However, some browsers
will preserve the state of checkboxes, so you could check the state of
the checkbox before loading the markers, for example:

//========== Untested ===================
if (document.getElementById('Checkbox1').checked) {
        setMarkers(map, ElementarySchools, 'e');

Marcelo - http://maps.forum.nu

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