On Dec 14, 5:26 pm, Silver <silv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Marcelo,
> Thanks a lot.
> Please... check the follow example:

I don't parse code in my head as the compiler in my browser is much
better at doing that.

> In this case... I'm creating 2,000 markers in the loop, but I don't
> need create 2,000 listeners because I'm receiving in the map the
> triggered events.
> Am I wrong? This way improve the memory availability?
> Regards!!

Your original question was about 3000 "complex" polygons, not about

Marcelo - http://maps.forum.nu

> On 14 dic, 15:13, Marcelo <marcelo...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Polygons are not DOM objects, therefore you cannot make use of the
> > javascript properties event bubbling and target that are used with the
> > event delegation technique.
> > According to the documentation, the map pane that holds the polygons,
> > (overlayLayer), may not receive DOM events, so in terms of map
> > objects, the parent which could do event delegation is the map itself.
> > In order to do this you'd need to iterate an array of polygons and do
> > some point-in-polygon analysis to determine in which polygon the event
> > took place. This might work with click events, but I can't imagine it
> > performing all too well with mouseover or mouseut events, which would
> > have to be triggered by a mousemove event handler on the map.
> > In more general terms, mouseover and mouseout on as many as 3000
> > objects is nuts! (IMHO) :-)
> > --
> > Marcelo -http://maps.forum.nu
> > --
> > On Dec 14, 1:46 pm, Silver <silv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hello friends,
> > > Some idea about events delegation instead events handling in Google
> > > Mapas API v3??
> > > Currently, I'm creating 3,000 complex polygons, each of them has 5
> > > listeners (click, dblclick, mouseover, mouseout and rightclick)...
> > > with a hight use of memory.
> > > A better approach can be using OverlayView extending a polygon class,
> > > setting the listeners only one time and trigger its to the map??
> > > Some example or idea??
> > > Thanks a lot,
> > > Silver

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