thank you I think I'm on my way into something...
However, I am confused. I think you might swapped the two links you
gave me with each other.?
Anyway, I have started working with the eaxmples, mainly the second
link. If you are able to, can you please take a look at this I have
made here?:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1481079/NGU-2012/Multikart.html
What I do by this is blending different overlays with each other. I
cannot understand how to have a google maptype as the solid base, and
then the other above - optionally with transparency set since I have a
shaded relief I want to blend with my theme data. If I define several
layers in the array, how should I set one of them as transparent
At the end, I also want to replace the Google standard maptype as base
layer with a custom. There is in the code a function I have used for
making this earlier, but then it is only one theme layer, and the menu
should control the basemap - now I want one basemap (sjokart), and a
menu with several (AGS) theme layers.
Thanks for helping me with this!
On 17 Des, 12:04, Nianwei Liu <nian...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There is no concept of "maptype" in AGS JSAPI, everything is a
> layer(overlay). The techniques used in your sample is actually mimic
> "maptype" behavior by turn on a specific set of layers at one time.
> Google API has maptype to do this. What you can do is follow this
> example:http://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/arcgis...
> Basically define a gmaps.ags.MapType with 2 or 3 url each, like how
> "labeled imagery" is defined:
>  "'Labeled Imagery': ['World_Imagery', 'Reference/
> World_Boundaries_and_Places'],
> This should be exactly same as your use case, World_Imagery as your
> base, and your own tiles as "reference".
> However, if you want to use Google's satellite image as your base,
> then you need to use them as "overlayMapType" and use the same
> technique in AGS JSAPI to switch them on/off, start from this
> example:http://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/arcgis...
> On Dec 16, 6:34 am, oddhnp <selboskar.o...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi - this might have to be called a newbie question.
> > I am using the ArcGIS Server Link for Google Maps API V3 with our
> > ArcGIS Server services - have recently changed from using The ArcGIS
> > Javascript API.
> > But (surprisingly) I have problems making a menu along with my map-
> > window, in order to switch different ArcGIS cached services on and of.
> > Spesifically, I'm hoping to replace this ArcGIS Javascript based map
> > with a Google Maps API ver3 
> > one:http://www.ngu.no/mareano/Prosjekt/kart/Sokkel-multi.htm
> > I have tried several ways but I have no code to share - I think I've
> > not looked in the right way for doing this yet.... I would be immensly
> > glad for any help.
> > /OddH-np

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