On Dec 31 2011, 2:28 pm, geom <g.m...@web.de> wrote:

> With this code, the markes and the sidebar is created, but there is no
> clustering of the data??
> Maybe someone out there can help me to fix that problem.

If you put your map online and post a link, as requested in the
posting guidelines, we might be able to help.

> _____________ Here is the code I use:

No, thanks.

Marcelo - http://maps.forum.nu

> function initialize() {
> /**
> * map
> */
> var mapOpts = {
> mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID,
> scaleControl: true,
> scrollwheel: true}
> var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"),
> mapOpts);
> // We set zoom and center later by fitBounds()
> /**
> * makeMarker() ver 0.2
> * creates Marker and InfoWindow on a Map() named 'map'
> * creates sidebar row in a DIV 'sidebar'
> * saves marker to markerArray and markerBounds
> * @param options object for Marker, InfoWindow and SidebarItem
> * @author Esa 2009
> */
> var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
> var markerBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
> var markerArray = [];
> var markerCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map, markerArray);
> function makeMarker(options){
> var pushPin = new google.maps.Marker({map:map});
> pushPin.setOptions(options);
> google.maps.event.addListener(pushPin, "click", function(){
> infoWindow.setOptions(options);
> infoWindow.open(map, pushPin);
> if(this.sidebarButton)this.sidebarButton.button.focus();});
> var idleIcon = pushPin.getIcon();
> if(options.sidebarItem){
> pushPin.sidebarButton = new SidebarItem(pushPin, options);
> pushPin.sidebarButton.addIn("sidebar");}
> markerBounds.extend(options.position);
> markerArray.push(pushPin);
> return pushPin;}
> google.maps.event.addListener(map, "click", function(){
> infoWindow.close();
> });
> /**
> * Creates an sidebar item
> * @constructor
> * @author Esa 2009
> * @param marker
> * @param options object Supported properties: sidebarItem,
> sidebarItemClassName, sidebarItemWidth,
> */
> function SidebarItem(marker, opts){
> var tag = opts.sidebarItemType || "button";
> var row = document.createElement(tag);
> row.innerHTML = opts.sidebarItem;
> row.className = opts.sidebarItemClassName || "sidebar_item";
> row.style.display = "block";
> row.style.width = opts.sidebarItemWidth || "200px";
> row.onclick = function(){
> google.maps.event.trigger(marker, 'click');}
> row.onmouseover = function(){
> google.maps.event.trigger(marker, 'mouseover');}
> row.onmouseout = function(){
> google.maps.event.trigger(marker, 'mouseout');}
> this.button = row;
> }
> // adds a sidebar item to a <div>
> SidebarItem.prototype.addIn = function(block){
> if(block && block.nodeType == 1)this.div = block;
> else
> this.div = document.getElementById(block)
> || document.getElementById("sidebar")
> || document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
> this.div.appendChild(this.button);}
> // deletes a sidebar item
> SidebarItem.prototype.remove = function(){
> if(!this.div) return false;
> this.div.removeChild(this.button);
> return true;
> }
> /*
> * makeMarker is set toghether via php from Postgis-database
> * Limit 50, cause only 59 records are shown ???
> */
> <?php
> require("connect.php");
> $query = "SELECT gid,sorte_de,obstart,
>     st_y(st_astext(st_transform(the_geom,4326)))||','||
> st_x(st_astext(st_transform(the_geom,4326))) AS latlng
>     FROM sorten_all
>     WHERE sorte_de like '%".$_POST["sorte"]."%' LIMIT 50";
>     $res = pg_exec($db_handle, $query);
> while ($row = pg_fetch_array($res, NULL, PGSQL_ASSOC)){
> echo 'makeMarker({position: new google.maps.LatLng('.
> $row['latlng'] .'),';
> echo 'title: "'. $row['sorte_de'].'",';
> echo 'sidebarItem: "'. $row['sorte_de'] .'",';
> echo 'content: "'. $row['sorte_de']. '"});'."\n";}
> pg_free_result($res);
> ?>
> /**
> * fit viewport to markers
> */
> map.fitBounds(markerBounds);
> }

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