
I work on an interface with Google Maps JavaScript API V3 for some times 
now. In this interface, I use an "empty" mapType (map type which always 
return blank tile) a kml layer with all my data.

This kml contains rectangles. I develop a behavior which listen click event 
on one of these rectangles and draw the same rectangle with an overlay when 
it’s fired. It does allow the user to "hilight" my rectangles.

This worked great until today when I seen that my rectangle overlay appears 
behind the kml layer. After a deep search, I found that this is a API 
version issue. The overlay is on top with API v3.6 and behind with v3.7.

I can't understand why I getting this problems: the v3.7 update was 
deployed last November so why I got this now? But also: why a new version 
put the overlays behind? And finally: how can I do to use the last version 
get my rectangle on top?

If anyone has some answers for me, I'll be very grateful!


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