something like this:

icon =  new google.maps.MarkerImage(markerIcon,new 
google.maps.Size(37,37),null,new google.maps.Point(0, 32));

var marker = new google.maps.Marker({

Am Freitag, 10. Mai 2013 01:30:00 UTC+2 schrieb Chandra Miller:
> I am trying to overlay multiple markers at the same lat/long using d3.js 
> on Google Maps.  The data I am trying to display is weather data so I would 
> like the marker to display temp, dewpoint, relative humidity, etc. all at 
> one time.  I need to get the markers to offset from the lat/long point 
> given to each marker .  My map is at 
> click on 
> datasets and then weather data.  Right now only Dewpoint will display and I 
> believe temp is underneath because I am not getting any errors on my 
> javascript file.  Picture of how I would like the marker to display is at 
> **<>
> .
>     function updateWxImage() {
>      var reqstamp = Number(new Date());
>      var rptDate = " ";
>      var strDataset = "";
>      var item = $('#date')[0];
> = "#ffff00";
> = "#000000";
>      item.innerHTML = "<strong>...updating dataset...</strong>";
>      ClearOverlays();
>      var width = 36;
>      var height = 12;
>      // Start D3 Code
>      var fill = d3.scale.linear()
>       .domain([0.0, 150.0])
>       .range(["black", "black"]);
>      // Load the station data. When the data comes back, create an overlay.
>      // Calls currain.php which converts xml to json
>      d3.json("./php/currentwx.php", function(jsonData) {
>       overlayD3 = new google.maps.OverlayView();
>       var data =;
>       // Add the container when the overlay is added to the map.
>       overlayD3.onAdd = function() {
>        var layer ="div")
>         .attr("class", "stations")
>         .attr("id", "stations");
>        // Draw each marker as a separate SVG element.
>        // We could use a single SVG, but what size would it have
>        overlayD3.draw = function() {
>         var projection = this.getProjection();
>         padding = 12;
>         var marker1 = layer.selectAll("svg")
>          .data(d3.entries(data))
>          .each(transform) // update existing markers
>          .enter().append("svg:svg")
>          .each(transform)
>          .attr("class", "marker")
>          .attr("id", "marker")
>          .attr("width", width)
>          .attr("height", height)
>          .attr("title",  function(d) { return d.value.tempid + ' - ' + 
>; })
>          .on("click", function(d) { addTempInfoWindow(d); });
>          // Add a rectangle.
>          marker1.append("svg:rect")
>           .attr("x", 0)
>           .attr("y", 0)
>           .attr("rx", 4)
>           .attr("ry", 4)
>           .attr("width", padding*3)
>           .attr("height", padding)
>           .attr("title",  function(d) { return d.value.tempid + ' - ' + 
>; })
>           .style("fill", function(d) { return fill(d.value.temp); }) 
>           .style("display", function(d) { if (d.value.temp == 0 || 
> d.value.temp < -90) { return "none"; } else { return "inline"; }});
>          // Add a label.
>          marker1.append("svg:text")
>           .attr("x", padding*1.5)
>           .attr("y", padding*0.85)
>           .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
>           .attr("font-weight", "bold")
>           .attr("font-size", function(d) { if (d.value.temp == 0 || 
> d.value.temp < -90) { return padding*1.05; } else { return padding; }})
>           .style("fill", function(d) { 
>            if (d.value.temp < -90) {
>             return "red"; 
>            } else {
>             return "red"; 
>            }
>           })
>           .text(function(d) { 
>            if (d.value.temp < -90) {
>              return "M";
>            } else {
>             return d.value.temp; 
>            }
>           });
>         function transform(d) {
>          d = new google.maps.LatLng(d.value.latitude, d.value.longitude);
>          d = projection.fromLatLngToDivPixel(d);
>          return
>           .style("left", d.x + "px")
>           .style("top", d.y + "px");
>         }
>        };
>        overlayD3.onRemove = function() {
>         var marker ="#marker").remove();
>         var layer ="#stations").remove();
>        };
>       };
>       overlayD3.setMap(map);
>       overlayD3.onAdd = function() {
>        var layer ="div")
>         .attr("class", "stations")
>         .attr("id", "stations");
>        // Draw each marker as a separate SVG element.
>        // We could use a single SVG, but what size would it have
>        overlayD3.draw = function() {
>         var projection = this.getProjection();
>         padding = 12;    
>         var marker2 = layer.selectAll("svg")
>          .data(d3.entries(data))
>          .each(transform) // update existing markers
>          .enter().append("svg:svg")
>          .each(transform)
>          .attr("class", "marker2")
>          .attr("id", "marker2")
>          .attr("width", width)
>          .attr("height", height)
>          .attr("title",  function(d) { return d.value.dewpointid + ' - ' + 
>; })
>          .on("click", function(d) { addDewpointInfoWindow(d); });
>          // Add a rectangle.
>          marker2.append("svg:rect")
>           .attr("x", 0)
>           .attr("y", 0)
>           .attr("rx", 4)
>           .attr("ry", 4)
>           .attr("width", padding*3)
>           .attr("height", padding)
>           .attr("title",  function(d) { return d.value.dewpointid + ' - ' 
> +; })
>           .style("fill", function(d) { return fill(d.value.dewpoint); }) 
>           .style("display", function(d) { if (d.value.dewpoint == 0 || 
> d.value.dewpoint < -90) { return "none"; } else { return "inline"; }});
>          // Add a label.
>          marker2.append("svg:text")
>           .attr("x", padding*1.5)
>           .attr("y", padding*0.85)
>           .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
>           .attr("font-weight", "bold")
>           .attr("font-size", function(d) { if (d.value.dewpoint == 0 || 
> d.value.dewpoint < -90) { return padding*1.05; } else { return padding; }})
>           .style("fill", function(d) { 
>            if (d.value.dewpoint < -90) {
>             return "red"; 
>            } else {
>             return "turquoise"; 
>            }
>           })
>           .text(function(d) { 
>            if (d.value.dewpoint < -90) {
>              return "M";
>            } else {
>             return d.value.dewpoint; 
>            }
>           });
>         function transform(d) {
>          d = new google.maps.LatLng(d.value.latitude, d.value.longitude);
>          d = projection.fromLatLngToDivPixel(d);
>          return
>           .style("left", d.x + "px")
>           .style("top", d.y + "px");
>         }
>        };
>        overlayD3.onRemove = function() {
>         var marker2 ="#marker2").remove();
>         var layer ="#stations").remove();
>        };
>       };
>       overlayD3.setMap(map);
>       // Get the date that the report was created from the meta object in 
> the json file
>       var meta = jsonData.meta;
>       var rptDate = meta.created;
>       item = $('#date')[0];
> = "#9CF"; 
> = "black";
>       $('#date')[0].innerHTML = "Data: " + rptDate + strDataset + 
> "(Weather)";
>      });
>     }
> I think that I need to edit this section but everything I have tried is 
> unsuccessful.
>     function transform(d) {
>      d = new google.maps.LatLng(d.value.latitude, d.value.longitude);
>      d = projection.fromLatLngToDivPixel(d);
>      return
>       .style("left", d.x + "px")
>       .style("top", d.y + "px");
>     }
>    };

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