On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 7:23 AM, Kedar Dixit <dxt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Markers get plotted but map fails to render further.
> However map loads when we add an javascript alert to function where we
> load map.

This almost always means you are handling some asynchronous activity
incorrectly, e.g. you are assuming that some data is available before it is
ready. When you make an asynchronous server request (e.g. a $.ajax() call),
you can't assume that the data is available when the call *returns*. You
have to provide a callback function that will be called when the server
sends down the data.

In a quick skim of your code, I don't see any asynchronous calls. I suspect
that the problem is somewhere else in your code, in the part you didn't
show here.

Specifically, where in your code does the refreshMap1() function get
called, and what data is passed in for the srverfilteredarray parameter?

Also note that Maps API support has moved to Stack Overflow. This mailing
list doesn't get much activity an more. So you might want to post your
question on SO instead of here.

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