Hello everyone: I have a simple text field and a button. In the text field 
the user can enter an address and when I press the button, what I do is 
geocode the address to get the geographical coordinates. To get them I do 
the following:

<? Php

If ($ _POST) {
$ Url = 
$ Address = $ _POST ['address'];
$ Call = $ url.urlencode ($ address);
$ Response = json_decode (file_get_contents ($ call), true);

If ($ response ['status']! = 'OK') {
     Echo "It was not possible to geocode the address. Please re-enter the 



Now, I know that in the response variable I have the coordinates, but I do 
not know how to display them, how to get them ... Can you give me a hand?

PS: I tried to put a variable "$ length" and I made a "count ($ response)" 
and it returned a "2" that is, there are the coordinates but I do not know 
how to recover them !!!

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