Hello I just started using GeoCharts and I have a question that wasn't 
answered for me with the information given.

I have following code:

 var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
          ['Country', ''],
          ['India', 2],
          ['Australia', 10],
          ['Germany', 1],
          ['United States', 2],
          ['Brazil', 2],
          ['Canada', 3],
          ['France', 2],
          ['RU', 2]

    var options = {
      backgroundColor: '#17263c',
      datalessRegionColor: '#242f3e',
      legend: 'none',
      colors: ['#00853f', 'black', '#e31b23']

If I now hover a country, I get a box with two rows:

1. row: the county's name

2. row: the number

now I would like to define a custom text to show in the second line and use 
the numbers just to tell what color the country should have.

example for output I'd like to have:

1. row: the county's name

2. row: homecountry

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