
In our case my problem was some incompatibility with prototype.js.
When I removed it from the dependencies, suddently the event started
to fire...

Thanks for the help!


On Oct 1, 6:37 am, papyromancer <papyroman...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Managed to make it to office hours and it turns out my error is related to
> my poor programming skills ;)
> I can't for the life of me figure out how to test if submit delta is working
> at all. See line 120:
> http://github.com/papyromancer/kaltura-wave/blob/04ebe0432b1293c93d83...
> 11:15 pm
> Pamela Fox:
> Are you getting a state callback? Have you checked the Wave log to see if
> the state was submitted?
> 11:17 pm
> me:
> Wave Log, that's where I need to to be looking, Thanks :)
> 11:17 pm
> Pamela Fox:
> FYI, this is 
> useful:http://code.google.com/apis/wave/articles/gadgetdebugging.html
> 11:17 pm
> Vadim Gerasimov:
> You are doing the submit way too early. You have to wait until the first
> state callback.
> 11:20 pm
> me:
> cool, I'll start uncommenting all the stuff I was running first, after I've
> got the simpler example running with the aid of the debugging guide. And
> GREAT JOB on the preview launch, it's snappy.
> 11:22 pm
> Vadim Gerasimov:
> Try something like this to get started:
> http://hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/107558585548952247431/wav...
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:34 PM, papyromancer <papyroman...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > I've had a similar problem with updating the delta, and I can't for the
> > life of me figure out how to  test if submit delta is working at all.  See
> > line 120:
> >http://github.com/papyromancer/kaltura-wave/blob/04ebe0432b1293c93d83...
> > I'll be watching this thread closely.  Up till now I've assumed it's my
> > admittably novice hacking skillz ;)
> > On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:21 PM, Sol Wu <sws...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Your setStateCallback() looks correct.
> >> When you call wave.getState().submitDelta(delta), does your callback
> >> get called?
> >> On Sep 28, 5:25 am, dLux <d...@dlux.hu> wrote:
> >> > I've just playing around with gadgets, but it seems that the state
> >> > change event is not fired.
> >> > The initialization function is called properly, which registers the
> >> > state and the participant callbacks.
> >> > The participant change callback called properly, but the state
> >> > callback is never called. Shouldn't it be called at least once after
> >> > initialization?
> >> > Here is the code, it seems to be totally OK for me:
> >> > // Called when the gadget state is updated.
> >> > function stateUpdated() {
> >> >     alert('state updated.');
> >> >     redrawContent();
> >> > }
> >> > // Called when a new participant is added to the wave.
> >> > function participantsUpdated() {
> >> >     alert('participants updated.');
> >> >     redrawContent();
> >> > }
> >> > // Initialization function.
> >> > function init() {
> >> >     if (wave && wave.isInWaveContainer()) {
> >> >         wave.setStateCallback(stateUpdated);
> >> >         wave.setParticipantCallback(participantsUpdated);
> >> >         alert('callbacks initialized.');
> >> >     }
> >> > }
> >> > gadgets.util.registerOnLoadHandler(init);
> >> > Any idea?

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