According to :

"Operations performed by a robot are not reported back to the robot
that did them, though they are reported to other participants in the
affected wavelets, including other robots."

However, I have a robot that currently does little more than log
events that it receives. It is only seeing events from me (the only
other person in the wave). There is another robot that submits blips
in response to mine, but these are not seen by my robot.

My capabilities.xml file includes:

    <w:capability name="WAVELET_PARTICIPANTS_CHANGED" content="true" /
    <w:capability name="BLIP_SUBMITTED" content="true" />
    <w:capability name="WAVELET_BLIP_SUBMITTED" content="true" />

I have incremented the version number and redeployed the robot just to
make sure this configuration was applied.

Has anyone else seen this, or can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong?

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