
On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 6:29 AM, Josef Maier <>wrote:

>   Hi Brett,
>   I filled in the form at - multiple times with different
> accounts. At a date when the WAVE team blogs said that the registration
> counter was at 20000. So I really was counting on getting at least one
> account last week...

   Probably the WAVE team is more comfortable in making the press feel good
> than the average developer here in Europe. On the other hand -as I still
> didn't get any message about an account yet- I am starting to really
> understand the snobbish attitude of this entire WAVE hype. (Let me guess:
> your e-mail address made you to get an account IMMEDIATELY, right??? Don't
> take this question personal please - just as an objective method to realize
> "what's really going on here".)

Perhaps the account creation spamming from a single IP or range triggered
something, perhaps your rationale for wanting an account wasn't compelling,
perhaps they were able to somehow pick up on the fact that you seem to be a
histrionic prima donna.

>    Or better - let me ask the question in a different way: Is there any way
> to set up a Wave server independently, just to get around this
> hype-creating, limiting, psycho-bubble thing so-called "developer-preview"
> right now? Just that any developer really interested in could create his own
> accounts & see what he can really *develop* with it?

Yes, if you exert your software development foo and do a quick search
through these groups you will find quite a few references to 'federation
reference server', 'federation protocol' and 'Opensource wave projects' .

> *   Thanks for reading,
>             Josef ;-)
>    p.s.: I'm in software development since 20 years, and assure you: I
> *never* got such bad experience with a new product launch... I expected
> probably too much, but never thought that "Google would let me down on such
> a simple thing like this" - just to call it by name.
> *
> 2009/10/2 Brett Morgan <>
>> On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 12:08 AM, Josef Maier <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I also hoped to get an invitation by yesterday's rollout. I've
>> > registered more than a month ago - also with two other coporate e-mail
>> > accounts - and waited. No answer. Nothing.
>> Out of interest, did you sign up with the or the
>> signup form?
>> > Could it be that you guys intentionally lock out people from outside
>> > the U.S.? I'm very eager to check WAVE with a new project I'm doing,
>> > but your policy of running a hype on the one side and locking out
>> > early adaptors at the same time gets very, very annoying.
>> I doubt there is a policy of locking out early adopters, in fact the
>> Sydney, Australia based Wave development team have been very
>> accommodating to us developers, at least as far as I can tell.
>> > p.s.: please realize that there are people that are relatively new to
>> > the Google dev world, but believe(d) in it and set up a complete
>> > development environment dedicated to WAVE and according to the
>> > guidlines provided provided already... why do you lock us out?
>> If the roll out of the Wave follows the pattern set by the other
>> Google services, there will be an ongoing ramp up of users as the
>> development and administration teams come to terms with the load and
>> usage patterns that emerge from having 100k people chatting with each
>> other in real time.
>> brett
>> --
>> Brett Morgan
> >

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