Well I tried to do that actually.  I took a paragraph tag and tried to
append it with some styled text (just setting color to orange) and it
didn't work.  I've had other issues with that paragraph tag but
changing color shouldn't have been too much of a stretch.

Just for clarification the line of code was: text.appendMarkup("<p

And it just appended plain black text to the end of my current
textview text.  Not even a new line.  But that's been discussed in a
different thread...;D

On Oct 10, 4:27 pm, "F. Andy Seidl" <fase...@myst-technology.com>
> Take a look at TextView.appendMarkup().  This method lets you append
> text containing marketup which is then converted to annotations for
> you.
> On Oct 10, 12:06 pm, Smola <callmesm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Well it seems that this post has fallen by the wayside.  Fortunately,
> > another post was made that indeed assists me with this problem.  It
> > involves creating text, appending it, then annotating it.  It is
> > located at:
> >http://groups.google.com/group/google-wave-api/browse_thread/thread/e...
> > However, my original goal was the create a chunk of text PRE-ANNOTATED
> > and then append it to a blip.  Is this even possible right now??
> > On Oct 4, 11:16 pm, Smola <callmesm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I simply cannot wrap my head around this problem!  I have done
> > > everything I can think of but I simply can't figure it out!  I'm sure
> > > it's an easy fix as well.  I am fairly new to Java but have a pretty
> > > good amount of experience of programming in general.
> > > Anyway, enough with the preface.  I want to detect that a blip has
> > > been submitted (which I can do) and then append some styled text on
> > > the end of the blip (on a new line).  I can append unstyled text
> > > easily with the append() method.  I can also use setAnnotations() to
> > > change some styles on the entire text of the blip.  But I can't figure
> > > out how to take some text, style it with colors or whatever, and then
> > > append it.  I read up on theStyledTextclass but that deals with bold/
> > > underlined, etc type styles it seems.  I also tried using TextView as
> > > a constructor to create an empty TextView type variable but, silly me,
> > > TextView is an interface and has no constructor.  So then I tried
> > > taking the TextView variable I got from blip.getDocument() and tried
> > > to delete() the contents and repopulate them but that didn't work
> > > because the delete() method returns void.  I feel ridiculous because
> > > this must have a very basic solution but I just can't find it.  I
> > > would really appreciate it if someone would help me out on this!- Hide 
> > > quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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