How would you go about storeing other sorts of data in a blip?
Preferably so its not visible to the users.

An example of the type of data would be this xml;

Loc=”(49.5000123,-123.5000123, 123.5)”,

This data should preferably be easy to parse and edit by a (currently
hypothical) piece of client software.
My goal is for this data to be persist, editable in near-real time,
and for anyone to be able to make new posts of similiar data on the
same wave. (so, basicaly, the same things you can do with ordinary
text...only in this case corrisponding to 3d objects and their
locations. The future possibilitys of having permissions in waves
should hopefully also apply to this data).

I have been impressed with what Gravity does with flowcharts/mindmap
style stuff, does anyone know if they are storing their data directly
on the wave, or ver some other method?
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