This won't be helpful but, shouldn't it be ue-tray for "true?"  I
thought pig-latin splits words at the first vowel?

On Oct 11, 9:35 pm, Spencer Chastain <> wrote:
> So, I'm making a toy robot - something that converts typed text into pig
> latin.
> And I have that working, except I thought it might be nice to revert the
> text into plain english if the document was edited again later on.
> I figured the easiest way to do this would be to annotate the text per the
> range of each pig latin word with the original un-translated word.
> So I added code such that at each word translation, the translated word was
> annotated with the original.
> Except now, the text updates seem to stop after the first annotation.  If I
> comment out setting the Annotation, it works fine.  If I uncomment the
> setting of the Annotation, it stops working.  What's even more confusing,
> the Annotation doesn't seem to be coming across - I go back into edit the
> blip, during which I have my code dump all annotations - nothing there!
> String original = text.getText();
> if(original.startsWith("pig:"))
> {
> int end = original.length();
> while(end > 4)
> {
> int start = original.lastIndexOf(' ', end-1)+1;
> if(start < 4)
> {
> start = 4;}
> String word = original.substring(start, end).trim();
> if(word.length() > 0)
> {
> String pigged = "";
> if(/*starts with vowel*/)
> {
> pigged = word + "-ay";}
> else
> {
> pigged = word.substring(1) + "-" + word.charAt(0) + "ay";}
> logMsg += "'" + word + "' => '" + pigged + "' [" + start + ", " + end +
> "]\n";
> Range r = new Range(start, end);
> text.replace(r, pigged);
> // Range nr = new Range(start, start+pigged.length());
> // text.setAnnotation(nr, "sechastain/pl/" + start, word);}
> end = start-1;
> }
> text.replace(new Range(0, 4), "");
> }
> Annotation commented out: ell-tay e-may omething-say rue-tay
> Annotation uncommented: pig:tell me something rue-tay
> Come to think of it, other than a range annotation (when I highlight text)
> and the occasional lang Annotation, I don't see much annotations.  I guess I
> just always expected to see more from other places I've read.
> Any thoughts off hand?
> --Spencer
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