Thanks for the reply Gijsbert, the global myservice was included
earlier in the bit I didn't paste.
After further debugging with alerts, it seems that the response
received after sending the request comes back as: = null
obj.error = undefined
obj.text = Unauthenticated
obj.oauthErrorText = undefined
obj.oauthApprovalUrl = undefined
obj.oauthError = undefined

I even tried the standard contact.xml gadget included on with the same
results. So I must be doing something wrong, but for life of me can't
figure it out!



On Oct 13, 3:50 pm, Gijsbert <> wrote:
> I don't see a global var myService; So fetchMyData() will not find the
> myService from init().
> You can also pass myService as a parameter to fetchMyData() from init
> ().
> On Oct 12, 10:52 am, simonporter007 <> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I have got the following code:
> > function callback(obj) {
> >                   alert(;
> >                   alert(obj.errors);
> >                   alert(obj.text);
> >                   alert(obj.oauthApprovalUrl);
> >                   alert(obj.oauthError);
> >                   alert(obj.oAuthErrorText);
> >                 }
> > function fetchMyData() {
> >                         jQuery('#errors').hide();
> >                         myService.getEventsFeed(feedUrl, callback , 
> > callback);
> >                 }
> > function init() {
> >                         google.load("gdata", "1", {packages: ['calendar']});
> >                         google.setOnLoadCallback(function () {
> >                                 myService = new 
> > google.gdata.calendar.CalendarService('google-
> > calendarwave-v1');
> >                                 myService.useOAuth('google');
> >                                 fetchMyData();
> >                         });}
> > gadgets.util.registerOnLoadHandler(init);
> > I am having difficulty making the callback invoke after it sends the
> > request for the EventsFeed (which obviously fails because
> > authorization has not yet been granted) I can see in the firebug
> > console log the
> > "throw 1; < don't be evil' >{"
> > feeds/...."
> > I can't see why it wont use the callback function, even to the extent
> > of removing everything from the callback function and making it just
> > display an alert, this doesn't get triggered either.
> > Any help would be appreciated, I can't seem to figure this one out
> > even after searching all over google.
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