Sorry for the "spam", I just had to change the version number to fix

On Oct 17, 4:34 pm, JamesBrooks <> wrote:
> Actually don't ignore it, when I changed my events register to:
> tehgdbot.RegisterHandler(events.BLIP_SUBMITTED, OnBlipSubmitted)
> And named my function appropriately, it broke, nothing is sent when a
> Blip is submitted. I thought this problem was fixed?
> On Oct 17, 4:24 pm, JamesBrooks <> wrote:
> > Ignore the fact I've named my function incorrectly.
> > On Oct 17, 4:11 pm, JamesBrooks <> wrote:
> > > So I'm using this function for my OnBlipSubmitted event:
> > > def OnBlipCreated(properties, context):
> > >         logging.debug("Blip created!")
> > >         blip = context.GetBlipById(properties['blipId'])
> > >         blipText = blip.GetDocument().GetText()
> > >         logging.debug("TEXT: " + blipText)
> > >         regex_url = r'http:\/\/([\w.]+\/?)\S*'
> > >         logging.debug("Just past the regex_url variable!")
> > >         logging.debug(regex_url)
> > >         for match in re.finditer(regex_url, blipText):
> > >                 url =
> > >                 #logging.log(blipText.replace(url, TehGDURL(url))
> > >                 logging.debug("Short url created!")
> > > The logging works when the blip does not contain the URL, however as
> > > soon as there is a URL inside of the blip, nothing is logged. Matching
> > > the URL should work 100% there, why does Wave not send the URL
> > > created?
> > > James
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