On Oct 19, 1:34 am, David Nesting <da...@fastolfe.net> wrote:
> I think your call to SetText is eliminating your annotations.  Try setting
> your annotations after you set the text.  You need to have content there in
> order to annotate it.  I agree that the documentation is a bit lacking
> still.

Thanks for your reply. Funnily enough that makes total sense. One
issue with my code was incorrect arguments to the SetAnnotation()
call, as well as an invalid rabnge

So, got it fixed now - code's below for anyone else pondering this!

                doc = wavelet.CreateBlip().GetDocument()
                doc.SetText("THIS IS ANNOTATED TEXT")
                doc.SetAnnotation(Range(2, 12), "link/manual", "http://

What other annotations are available? Where do I get the valid names

Thanks again for the help,

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