I actually started this as a gadget, but the amount of work it turned
out it would require to track each users state and maintain cursors
was just more than I really wanted to do, besides the fantastic Google
engineers had already done the work, why not leverage that?

Now, if I could write a gadget that had access to the robot API
somehow, that would be ideal...

On Oct 28, 8:43 am, stinkymatt <stinkym...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If I were writing a syntax highlighting feature, I wouldn't implement
> it as a bot, I would do it as a gadget.  As you say, if it is to work
> while the user is typing, then the process that highlights the syntax
> needs to know about the keystrokes.  So a robot would have to know
> about keystrokes as they come across. That's a lot of network
> communication.  However, a gadget can highlight syntax with no extra
> network communication.
> On Oct 28, 1:21 am, voidref <void...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > For my syntax highlighting bot, I want the highlighting to be while
> > typing is happening, however getting a notification on every character
> > input will be a serious problem for bandwidth and processing.
> > Does anyone have any suggestions for doing this via a mechanism rather
> > Is the cron job the way to go? Can I get access to the waves? Can a
> > Context be 'stored'?
> > Thank you,
> > Alan
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