@Daniel Faust gadgets.util.registerOnLoadHandler is to do with the
gadget. I explained how it works. The nature of it has changed
apparently, the call used to be stuffed in the onload attribute, now
it is directly after where your code is placed but not after
everything. This has caused some problems with older gadgets,

@qMax I see what you mean now, but when you were outputting to the
console I didn’t see null, which might be due to a small delay. Yes it
needs to find the state which is a product of a wave and gadget
instance in the wave. If it is not aware of that that then its 'state'
is non persistent. You can easily see this by opening the frame in a
new tab. There simply is no shared state.

As to whether it is by design, well you could consider it a design
limitation I guess.


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