I don't know the current implementation details, but I do know first
hand that the Wave team is working on this but, as they put it, "it's
much more complicated than you might think."

Even though this is very nuanced and I am just spitballing here
(without really knowing all angles), here are some useless
thoughts ;):

The ideal solution though might be a combination of approaches 1 and 2
here, and the state stuff that rfca notes (very good points there).
That is maybe Waves could have different levels of permissions when
created? Default state my be - "owner can delete" but other states
such as "group ownership (consensus to delete)" and "permanent" or
such might be needed to. For large collaborative Waves with many
people and much content, you might want to set to perm - but people
should know as soon as they enter what the state is. For every day
messages back and forth and smaller things, you might not want perm.
Along the lines of the "confidentiality levels" noted by rfca, but
more with regard to future persistence than confidentiality.

I also like the idea of state to waves with regard to users being more
fleshed out (as rcfa notes, not just in the wave or not, but was in
the wave and left, etc.).


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