The statement

Blip blip = e.getBlip().createChild();

creates a reply to the blip that fired the event.
Of course, if the firing blip is the last blip of the wave, the new
blip will be appended
to the end of the wave, just like when you use Google Wave normally.
The reply "tree"
would only work/be visible if the firing blip is in the middle of the

On Dec 14, 1:26 pm, Anthony Westover <>
> Is there anyway to make a robot reply to a blip instead of just
> appending a new Blip to the end of the Wave? As a basic proof of
> concept program, I am thinking of a robot(in Java, if that matters)
> that checks each newly submitted Blip(via BLIP_SUBMITTED event) for a
> variation of Hello(Hello, Hi, Hey, etc.) then replies with it's own
> "Hello!". Right now the robot just posts it at the end of the
> document. So, as an example, person 1 says "Hello everybody", robot
> responds, person 2 replies to person 1, "Hey there", robot responds.
> Right now the wave looks like:
> Hello everybody
>      Hey there
> Hello!
> Hello!
> I want it to look like:
> Hello everybody
>      Hello!
>      Hey there
>           Hello!


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