I have a specific application in mind for using waves in a workflow.
For the purposes of this discussion a workflow is one or more
applications which shepard the user(s) through a process or processes.
What I would like to do is either create the wave, and then pass an
"identifier" (i.e. URL) for the wave to the first workflow
application. Each subsequent workflow application would pass the wave-
id to the next and so forth. In some cases the first workflow
application might actually create the wave.

The basic idea is that each workflow application would append
information to the wave related to its processing of the workflow:
status, logs, artifacts, etc, and the workflow applications would
really just be participants in that wave. In the end the wave is a
record of what actually happened during the processing of that
workflow, along with all the human interactions with the workflow-

I have not written a robot yet but I get the gist of how they work.
Your robot only gets called when there is some event about the wave it
needs to process. What I cannot see is how a robot can spontaneously
update the wave with out setting up cron process to get cron events.
If i want quick responses from my robot then I have to set the cron to
poke the robot every minute (or more), and I don't see this as a good

What would be really nice is if there is some way some external agent
could manipulate the wave given the wave-id. At a minimum this would
be a "poke" request, that would cause the wave to send a poke-event to
it's robots so they could take action on behalf of the external agent.
Ideally the poke request would take some parameters to be passed on to
the poke event received by the robot(s). You could then have quick
spontaneous updates to the wave from external source, without having a
cron send events every minute or so.

Is there a way to do what I want now, or are there plans to add an API
for this in the future?

Cheers, Eric


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