Hello All
      I have observed following probelms in wave embeding.Please see
this wave at http://www.gesoftlabs.com/phpesp/gel3/gel/embedproblem.html

1. When I click on the picture it doesn`t open as it opens in wave
client.Once clicked on the picture page is no more in good shape.
2. I have added a Yes/No gadget but there is no way to scroll to maybe
option.Although by increasing width of wave container div it can be
made visible but i think the way vertical scroll bar comes horizontal
scroll bar should also be there.
3. Is there any way to remove name of the participants at top?In this
wave it is maa...@wavesandbox.com.
4. It will be good if there is a small close(X)  button on the top
right corner of the popup which comes on click of arrow in the top
right corner of the wave.Because to make this disappear user has to
click somewhere in the div container of the wave.This popup doesn`t
fade out if user clicks outside container div.
5. Is there any way to remove the green border around the blip  or
change color of this border.
6. As there is no provision for toolbar if viewer of the wave is
participant and has full access rites then how can he/she attach files
to this wave.How can he/she add gadget into this wave?

   Please see these problems at 
I have made it public.

With Best Regards,

Ravinder Singh Maan

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