I just want to say that I echo Reinier's sentiment: I don't really trust any
JSON-safe-ifying regex unless it comes with a formal proof (which doesn't
seem inconceivable -- anyone know of one?). How many times have you heard
about a security hole (usually x-site scripting) of the form "our HTML or
Javascript validator was missing a case allowed an XSS attack"?
If GWT were to provide a parseSafe() method, I'd want to be absolutely
certain that it was safe -- I do *not* want GWT to be responsible for
someone else's security hole.

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 10:53 PM, Reinier Zwitserloot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> #1: About that regexp - I don't trust it. It first finds all
> javascript strings and deletes them (this is the second regexp), and
> as far as I can tell, it's perfect, if a bit too strict in that it
> won't accept single-quote delimited strings, though those aren't
> technically JSON. It's the first regexp I don't trust: It scans the
> entire string that remains after removing all strings for any
> character that is not a legal JSON token. In particular, any
> combination of dot, and the letters 'falsetrunE' (all characters in
> 'false', 'true', and 'null', and the Exponent separated for floating
> points) are still legal. This means the following:
> return flute.run
> would not be caught by the regexp as dangerous - it contains no
> strings, and the entire thing consists only of legal JSON characters,
> by pure coincidence. And, it's not dangerous. At least, not if every
> javascript parser out there has no extra features and follows the spec
> exactly, which, well, is only true in wonderland.
> 'return' is the only official keyword on the javascript keyword list
> that you can make other than the intended 'null', 'false', and 'true',
> you can't use '=', you can't use 'delete', and you can't use '()', so
> it looks like you can't change any variables, or run any methods, and
> return by itself is probably innocuous, but, still. My inner sense of
> security's alarm bell is clinging. Some obscure bug in a javascript
> parser is now a lot easier to exploit.
> Then again, doing the parsing by hand is going to be a lot slower.
> #2: The slash thing to path into lists and maps: Scott, you make a
> good case. I'll remove it. .get(a).get(b) is not that much more
> trouble anyway.
> #3: I'm not going to implement ISO8601 parsing in the JSON library.
> asObject() would never return it, so it would deadstrip, but, ISO8601
> support is not something that should be hardcoded into a JSON library.
> If it is needed, it should be its own thing. Javascript has a built in
> date parser but it's very strict, so doesn't seem worth the trouble
> (see http://www.quirksmode.org/js/introdate.html for what Date.parse()
> accepts).
> #4: That regexp again: If the regexp is deemed acceptable for safe
> parsing, let's just remove the distinction between 'safe' and 'unsafe'
> parsing and double check everything. That regexp contains no backtrack
> traps - it'll always finish in O(n) order (worst case scenario, every
> character is hit twice, that's it), even in crappy regexp engines.
> Therefore, it should always run faster than the eval() instruction.
> #5: Protocol buffers seems like a bit of a reach for this. Having a
> GWT-specific output for PB is nice, but using the PB .proto format to
> run a 'compiler' that produces a JavaScriptObject that can wrap around
> JSON output (vs. pb output) isn't a perfect match with what PB is
> trying to do, I think.
> #6: Overlaying a JSO is really nice - Bruce's recent article (I wonder
> if this thread inspired it?) is quite convincing:
> http://googlewebtoolkit.blogspot.com/2008/08/getting-to-really-know-gwt-part-2.html
> The JSON API as proposed in the OP can be implemented as a JSO, which
> should do good things for efficiency. Such a library is still useful
> for generic JSON introspection.
> #7: A DSL that compiles to more specific JSO objects (e.g. having a
> public List<Customer> getCustomers() method, with each Customer also
> being a JSO class having such methods as 'String getFirstName()' for
> example) would be very nice. I don't think the generic JSON library
> needs to be designed with this in mind, so, why don't I start with
> just the generic library built on JSO? I'll include a verify method
> that checks if the JSON is at least valid, without modifying anything,
> so that Ray can at least get that much for his JSO overlays.
> On Aug 28, 11:28 pm, "Ray Cromwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This is the regexp that the JSON RFC suggests:
> >
> > var my_JSON_object = !(/[^,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]/.test(
> > text.replace(/"(\\.|[^"\\])*"/g, ''))) &&
> > eval('(' + text + ')');
> >
> > It will take me awhile to digest how it actually works :), but
> > assuming that it does work, it would provide a safe and efficient way
> > to validate JSON before evals, atleast until browsers provide native
> > JSON parsers.
> >
> > I must say that as a GWT developer, a generic JSON library doesn't
> > appeal to me very much except in rare cases where you're trying to
> > deal with arbitrary JSON from unknown sources, say, if you were
> > writing a JSON-as-GWT tree visualization.
> >
> > But for most service interaction, you have to know the schema/format
> > of the service you are dealing with upfront, so if I'm building a
> > mashup, I prefer to just build concrete overlay types for each
> > service. The compiler is helped by this as well.
> >
> > I'm not against DSLs, one of the things I'm working on is a
> > Microformat equivalent to my GWT Exporter which allows you to take a
> > POJO and "map" it to an HTML Microformat structure for
> > serialization/derserialization, and this is done by both convention
> > and configuration (i.e. with annotations)  There are proposals for
> > things like JSONPath, an XPath equivalent, but again, this totally
> > obscures object type relationships in the JSON object.
> >
> > I'm much prefer a DSL that somehow taught the compiler what it was
> > navigating. If the .proto format is too obscure, you could go in the
> > reverse direction. Code up a POJO or interface, and use a generator to
> > turn the interface/POJO into a .proto file, and a linker to invoke PB
> > and package up a bunch of server-side deployables for whichever
> > container/language environment you like. This would keep everything in
> > Java.
> >
> > Barring that, as Scott mentioned, you could use something like my
> > gwtquery approach to combine JSON queries into inlined code.
> >
> > I'm doing alot of work right now integrating GWT JSOs with Google
> > AppEngine JSON services, and having a fast, efficient, easy to use,
> > and secure JSON library it pretty important. I'm not against a generic
> > parser, but something that could lighten the load for those using JSOs
> > to integrate with non-Java server environments would be a big win. As
> > cool as GWT RPC is, it's not a universal hammer.
> >
> > -Ray
> >
> > On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Scott Blum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Reinier, I have to agree that a single library that could be used
> client and
> > > server side would be really useful, particularly if you use some
> > > GWT.isScript() love to make the client side really efficient.  And it
> sounds
> > > better than the current JSON library (not that that's saying a lot).
> > > A few random thoughts:
> > > - You'd have to be pretty careful about how the API is constructed to
> get
> > > all the dead stripping.  Example: if .toObject() is allowed to return
> Date,
> > > you've basically pulled in all the date parsing code.
> > > - I have been told that there are some regexps available which allow
> you to
> > > accept or reject input as legal JSON.  You might look into this as a
> really
> > > fast way of doing safe parse.  Along those lines, we regret that our
> > > library's "parse" is the unsafe version.  I would strongly consider
> having
> > > an 'unsafeParse' (and possibly not having a method named 'parse' at
> all.
> > > - The "foo/bar/1" stuff kinda makes my stomach turn, honestly, contrast
> with
> > > Ray's gquery compile-time evaluation.  I know
> j.get("foo").get("bar").get(1)
> > > is more verby, but at least in theory that can be optimized/inlined.
> > >  Although, who knows, the compiler does do static string eval these
> days, so
> > > maybe if you're extraordinarily clever about the implementation, you
> could
> > > get static eval to work in your favor.
> >


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