On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 9:18 AM, Emily Crutcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are you having trouble with the patch? The benchmark used is included in
> it.   The benchmark varies by the number of puts and gets, so 500 = 500 puts
> + 500 gets, so would have been suprised to see  sub-linear time.

As I said, I hadn't looked at the code yet, just the benchmark page.  I
assumed the number was the size of the hash map, as that is what most of our
data structure benchmarks use.

Anyway, my main point is that someone just looking at the Wiki isn't going
to know what it means so there should be additional text describing what
those charts are -- sorry I wasn't more clear.

> IE is the primary motivator for this set of changes, as it has the slowest
> JS system and is most sensitive to memory constraints, so the IE benchmarks
> are the ones I am focusing on.

That's fine, but it would be helpful to know that there isn't some issue on
the other browsers.  As an example, remember the pathological case of arrays
on Safari when the index exceeds a certain threshold.

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google


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