Hey Rajeev :)

Thanks for the review! Responses inline. The upshot: OK, fixed, committed r3655.

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Rajeev Dayal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> TimeZoneConstants.java
> 24: should read "..the actual data is defined in property files named
> TimeZoneConstants_xx.properties.". The following sentence about deferred
> binding is not needed.

"data" is sort of a contentious word. Let's use "The values of the
constants constants are..." and avoid the data-as-plural vs.
data-as-mass-noun issue.

> 28: should read "Time zone data has only been provided for the "en" locale.
> Due to the sheer size of the time zone data for each locale, we recommend
> that applications retrieve the necessary data (i.e. over RPC) for the user's
> locale at run time."

> TimeZoneConstants.properties
> Though I think it already is, ensure that this file is in UTF-8 format
> before committing it. I also wonder if we should be including the rest of
> the TimeZone data in this patch. We do the same for DateTimeConstants and
> NumberConstants; it is somewhat odd that we're not including all of the
> TimeZone data, even if we do not recommend that they pull it in via deferred
> binding.
> Maybe it would suffice to add a URL in TimeZoneConstants.java indicating
> where users can find the rest of the TimeZone data if need be?

Good catch! Made it be UTF-8. We can discuss how to make non-en
locales available for the next pass; I don't think it would be so bad
to include them in the distribution, although it'd make our download
size rather bigger.

> TimeZone.java
> 25-35: All instances of "initiated", "initiate", etc should be changed to
> "instantiate", "instantiated", and so on

> 29: "TimeZoneConstants" could make this a javadoc ref to the
> TimeZoneConstants class

> 38: Could make this comment more accurate - "constants to reference time
> zone names in the time zone names array"
> 39-42: These could all be private
OK, and OK.

> 47: "get such string from TimeZoneConstants class, or it can ask server to
> provide the string" --> "get such a string from the TimeZoneConstants class,
> or it can request the string from the server.."

> 48: "But either way, the application obtains the  original string from the
> data provided in TimeZoneConstant.properties, which was carefully prepared
> from CLDR and Olson time zone database." ---> "Either way, the application
> obtains the original string from the data provided in the
> TimeZoneConstats.properties file, which was carefully prepared using data
> from CLDR and the Olson time zone database."

> 65:Cast to int is unnecessary here

> 94: "This factory method provide a decent..." --> "This factory method
> provides a decent.."

> 95-96: Add a line break here.

> 116: Seems like having "GMT" in the array is unnecessary; it can be
> concatenated to the end result after the transformation step.
I tried rewriting composeGMTString with offsetDisplay, but doing this
properly wants to use String.format so we can get nice padding.
Honestly, I think it's pretty expressive as is.

> 131-143, 145-157: This logic is quite similar; can this be factored out in
> some way? Really, the only difference is the prefix (UTC, or Etc/GMT)
I think these are just different enough where we can leave them as is
-- factoring something more general out of them would make it messier.

> 169: Not sure why this comment is here.

> 179: Maybe clarify this sentence: "Return the adjustment amount of time zone
> offset" --> "Return the amount to adjust the timezone offset by if daylight
> savings time is in effect on the given date". Also, give some indication of
> the units that the offset is expressed in.
Refactored the sentence.

> 181: Should be the "date" to check.

> 199: "The date for which time to retrieve GMT string." --> "The date from
> which the time information should be extracted"

> 200: "GMT String" --> "A GMT representation of the time given by the date"

> 181-182,198-199: Add a line break here.

> 207: "To get time zone id for this time zone. For time zone object initiated
> from time zone offset, POSIX time zone id will be returned." --> "Return
> time zone id for this time zone. For time zone objects that have been
> initiated from a time zone offset, the POSIX time zone id will be returned."

> 217: "To get long time zone name for given date." --> "Returns the long
> version of the time zone name for the given date.". Add a line break after
> this sentence as well.

> 218: "The date for which time to retrieve long time zone string." --> "The
> date to check to see if daylight savings time is in effect"
Refactored the text a bit.

> 238: "To get RFC representation of certain time zone name for given date."
> --> "Returns the RFC representation of the time zone name for the given
> date." Add a line break after this line as well.

> 242: This method is very similar to the composeGMTString(int) method. Can
> you consolidate these two?
(see earlier note...)

> 257: "To get short time zone name for given date." -> "Returns the short
> time zone name for a given date.". Add a line break after this line as well.

> 258: Add the word "name" before the period. Add a line break before this
> line as well.

> 266: "To get the standard time zone offset in minutes." --> "Returns the
> standard time zone offset in minutes."

> 268: Need @return tag in javadoc

> 273: "Check if the given time fall within daylight saving period." -->
> "Check to see if the given date and time falls within a daylight savings
> time period." Add a line break.
> 274: "time for which to check." --> "date and time to check"

> 275: "if daylight time in effect." --> "if daylight savings time is in
> effect"

> DateTimeFormat.java
> In the javadoc that was added for the public static methods, make sure there
> are line breaks between the method description and any param/return doc.

> 651: "hold" --> "holds"
> 653: "desired format" --> "format defined by this object"
> 672: Add a line break here
> 673: Formatting, can move some of the text up from the following line

> 909: "count" parameter is not needed (not part of your patch)

> 1346: You don't need the continue statement here, but it can be left if you
> feel it adds clarity. (not part of your patch)
It's some pretty hairy code here; I'd be inclined to keep it.

> 1564: Add a newline.
> 1565: "pattern for this field" --> "pattern character for this field"
> 1568:  Remove "hold"
> 1569: realDate param does not exist
> 1570,1571: "this date object holds"--> "a date object which holds"

> TimeZoneInfo.java
> 34: Add a line break here.
> 35: Missing description of "json" parameter, missing @return tag

> TimeZoneTest.java
> Needs a sort; some methods are out of order.

> 33: Not sure if we need to have this or not; other parts of the GWT code
> that use the Date class have deprecation warnings. If we want to make the
> warning settings consistent for at least this class, make sure you add this
> annotation to the testNames method as well.
Took out the @SuppressWarnings.

> 44: Might want to add a comment as to why we decided to generate the dates
> this way, as opposed to setting the day/year/month/hours/mins/seconds on a
> date object.

> TimeZoneInfoTest.java
> Needs a sort; some methods are out of order.

> 28: This does not need to be af field; could be a local variable.

> TimeZoneTest.gwt.xml
> Make sure that you set the svn:mime-type and svn:eol-style properties on
> this file; it does not look like you set them.
Set to text/xml and native.

> 16: Don't need to inherit JSON module anymore.
> 18: Don't need to explicitly inherit JUnit module; it is inherited by default
> 19-20: Don't need to specify these; they are implied
> 21-22: My personal preference, put the <extend-.. declaration before the
> <set.. declaration

Committed r3655.

Alex Rudnick
swe, gwt, atl


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