On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 4:55 PM, Mike Aizatsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> > Gotcha.  But if you don't compile multiple times, how do you prevent
> > optimizations that occur in one test method from impacting ones that
> occur
> > in another test method?
> I can't. I do this by limiting the scope optimization should work on
> (see MethodInlineTest)...


> > By the way, I've already got a big patch out that Bob is reviewing that
> is a
> > huge refactor to JavaToJavaScriptCompiler, and we can continue to
> refactor
> > further to support this use case in the best way possible.  I can't think
> of
> > a fundamental reason that compiles should be slow for small test cases.
> I'll be happy to take a look at JTJSC and tests as soon as you finish
> the refactoring.

Cool, if you want, you can chime in on the patch review for that.

> >> You mean storing diffs instead of expected data?
> >
> > Something like that.
> As a second thought, I don't feel that will help much. If you change a
> compiler, in a way, that changes "interesting" code - you'll be in the
> same position. And it's much more difficult to look at diffs than at
> expected text.
> Probably we could limit expected test scope? Say to a specified method(s)?

Yeah, that sounds good.



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