On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Arthur Kalmenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, I'm looking to avoid updating the bean automatically. I want to
> specify when the bean should be updated.

I see.  I hadn't thought of that use case.  As it stands, no, you
can't do that.  BoundFieldImpl<B, P> has a nested class Listener that
implements EditorChangeListener<P>.  BoundFieldImpl's getEditor() adds
an instance of Listener as a change listener to the editor before
returning it.  That listener takes care of updating the bean when the
editor changes and, as it stands, you can't not add the listener.

When I designed the library, I thought of bound widgets as views on
fields in a bean.  If the bean changes, the widget is updated and if
the widget changes, the bean is updated.  If you created a "detached"
editor that didn't automatically update the bean, what would you want
to happen if the bean were to change behind the scenes?  Right now, if
the bean SourcesPropertyChangeEvents, the editors and viewers are
updated onPropertyChange.  Would you want a detached editor to ignore
property change events from the associated bean?

> It'll also be interesting to see what the performance implications are
> of having the bean updated on any change. Does it work fine for forms
> of 100+ fields?

I haven't explicitly tested it with that many fields, but I'd expected
it to be okay--only the property bound to a given widget will be
updated when that widget changes.  In the example I posted, the Person
class has firstName and lastName properties.  When you edit a given
person, the firstName and lastName properties are bound to text boxes.
 If you edit the first name, only the firstName property is updated
and likewise for the last name.  Where there could be performance
considerations is if you have "lots" of viewers and/or calculated
fields all depending on the same property and then you edit that
property.  I don't know what would happen then--the UI would probably
freeze until the updates were all complete.  I'd be surprised if a
real application had a single field with 100+ dependent viewers,

> Hmm, that's a good point. However, the way the current Converters work
> is that they remove the value that is entered by the user if it
> doesn't convert properly. As you mentioned, this probably has to do
> with the way exceptions are handled (putting back the previous value,
> which happened to be empty).

I don't mean to nitpick, but it's actually the editor that puts back
the previous value, not the converter.  The converter just throws a
ConversionException if the String couldn't be converted.  It's up to
the editor to decide what to do with the ConversionException.  The
existing implementation of HasTextEditor<T, W> aims to be
"convertable" at all times, so a conversion exception in
widgetChanged() leads to redisplaying the previous value.  You could
do something else, like leave the invalid input but mark the field
somehow.  It's up to the application how it chooses to implement the
Editor<T> interface.

> I think that the validation that you have in mind is bean based
> validation, which is being discussed already (http://code.google.com/p/
> google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=343). This is different from the
> widget based validation which is currently in the incubator. Things
> are all over the place right now, and I think we need some direction
> from the GWT team.

I have a lunch appointment earlier than I expected, so I haven't had a
chance to look into validators or the link you just provided, but I'll
look into them this afternoon.



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