> I don't expect to require HasData, I just expect to have some kind of
> generic implementation for both Editor and Viewer that wrap a HasData
> instance so that, given a HasData instance, you don't have to do any
> work to integrate with the data binding library.

Ah, thanks for clearing that up.

> Done.  http://code.google.com/p/gwt-data-binding/  There's nothing
> there yet, but I'll look into fixing that ASAP.

Great, I've added a ticket already. The code would be helpful though
:P. We'd like to start sending in patches when we find some things to

> Indeed, but I'll be a Seattlite in three weeks for a new job.  Given
> that, the next three weeks are going to be _very_ busy for me so I'm
> not sure how much progress I'll be able to make in any given
> direction.

Oh, working for the enemy :P? Well good luck with your move, hope all goes well.

Arthur Kalmenson

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Ian Petersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 9:07 AM, Arthur Kalmenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I think requiring the HasData interface isn't a bad thing, but this
>> might frustrate developers in the short term as standard GWT widgets
>> don't implement the HasData interface.
> I don't expect to require HasData, I just expect to have some kind of
> generic implementation for both Editor and Viewer that wrap a HasData
> instance so that, given a HasData instance, you don't have to do any
> work to integrate with the data binding library.
>> Overall it looks good. I like the new API idea.
> I think that settles it--I like it, too, and I guess your +1 makes me
> not insane.
>> P.S. Are you going to create a new Google Code project? It'd be easier
>> to track issues and contribute code. Thanks!
> Done.  http://code.google.com/p/gwt-data-binding/  There's nothing
> there yet, but I'll look into fixing that ASAP.
>> P.P.S. Nice to have a fellow Torontonian here :)
> Indeed, but I'll be a Seattlite in three weeks for a new job.  Given
> that, the next three weeks are going to be _very_ busy for me so I'm
> not sure how much progress I'll be able to make in any given
> direction.
> Ian
> >


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