> Sorry, could have sworn that was public. Btw., DatePicker is littered with
> direct uses of the calendar field. If getCalendarView() is protected, we
> should always call it.
> Still, the amount of duplication btw. the DatePicker API and CalendarView
> is odd. Can CalendarView be reduced to a smaller set of "primitive" calls at
> all? E.g., it doesn't really need the setDatesEnabled convenience wrapper,
> DatePicker can be in charge of that kind thing.

Sure, we can get rid of the convinience methods.
So what is the actual date returned in such a case? The first day of the
month(s) displayed? Or can a Date be filled with null day info? Sounds like
another excellent javadoc opportunity.

Yep. Also, I think it does make sense to extend this API down to the
calendar model level, as that would probably help mitigate the confusion.

> Anyway, can such a CalendarView really be implemented? CalendarModel seems
> very locked down to a single month.
>>  The calendar view specifies a month at a time, the calendar view can
increment the month to help it fill in its date views.

>  That might not be possible--the compiler may find itself unable to tell
> whether to use the Date or the Date... version.

Yep, and if we actually implement ".." efficiently in our compiler, no
reason to do this either!

> February is visible. The 10th is disabled. The user moves the picker to
> March, and back to February. What is the state of Feb. 10?

It is no longer disabled. That's why the API has the assertion actually, as
all the api calls that include "visible dates" specifically are reset when
the date picker refreshes.

>  Custom CalendarView seems okay, but MonthSelector is an empty class, and
> its default implementation is final. So I have protected API that says "your
> month selector here," and no way to actually provide one without copying and
> pasting our code. That seems inconsistent.

So you think we should include an extendable month selector as well? We
actually even have a googler working on one, so we can see how far he has
gotten or create one ourselves if he hasn't gotten far enough.

>>> CalendarUtil.java
>>> Some of the methods in this public class are not public, seemingly
>>> arbitrarily. Is there a real reason we don't want people to call isWeekend
>>> or hasTime? Why is resetTime private?
>> We were trying to expose only the methods we were absolutely certain other
>> people would want, mostely because we used them ourselves, rather then
>> exposing all of them.
> If we have methods we aren't using, why are they there?

We are using them for calendar model, we just don't know if anyone else
would need to use them.



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