
I'm having a problem with the TabPanel behaviour.

I've created a widget that uses absolute positioning internally to get
a certain effect. The DIV that surrounds it is sized correctly in the
onLoad method, based on the size of the absolutely positioned element.

All this works fine except in the case where this widget is used in a

If the widget is not put in the visible tab at the moment of
attachement, then the size calucation fails because I always get 0 as
a response. The widget is attached but not visible ... that makes

I would like to suggest an alternative approach in the tabpanel, to
postpone calling onLoad until the tab is actually shown the first

The obvious workaround for the moment is ofcourse to add the tab panel
lazily to make sure that the onLoad is only triggered when the tab is
made visible but this is a generaly reusable component and I do not
control the use of the component.

I avoided the problem by showing the widget with display:none on the
RootPanel, the same trick as used in the popup panel, because that was
easier to hide from the calling code... but the calculation can fail
due to different CSS rules being applied when attached to another
parent DOM element.


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