Date: Thu Dec 11 14:48:58 2008
New Revision: 4308


Created wiki page through web user interface.

Added: wiki/
--- (empty file)
+++ wiki/       Thu Dec 11 14:48:58 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#summary How to share tools among the various gwt projects
+= Introduction =
+As GWT has grown into a collection of related projects, there is a growing  
need for sharing tools among the various gwt projects. There are several  
approaches for how this sharing can be achieved. However, there is no "one  
size fits all" solution. This document outlines a simple process to figure  
out the right solution in various scenarios.
+= Details =
+Tools that need to be shared among the various gwt projects can be divided  
into three categories. We specify the best practices for each category.
+   # *Tools that are rarely updated* Such tools should be checked into These tools often  
include third party tools like apache or eclipse libs or our own modified  
versions of these. In each case, include the appropriate COPYING and  
LICENSING information, as required by the license the tool is distributed  
under. The files in this directory are rarely deleted. If there is a newer  
version of the lib, it is often added under a different name instead of  
updating the existing version. So it is a good idea to append the version  
number of the tool to the file name. In case of local modifications, also  
include the src files and a patch file so that debugging is possible in the  
+    # *Tools that might be frequently updated and are stand-alone*  
Stand-alone means no dependency on rest of the gwt code. Examples include  
ant task for obtaining the svn information. We often own the source code  
for these tools. Moreover, currently all such tools are ant tasks. The  
right place for these tools is Different  
sub-projects can pull in this code using svn-external or g4client (?) [the  
tool that Kelly mentioned].
+     # *Tools that might be frequently updated and are not stand-alone* An  
example is ApiChecker. ApiChecker depends on gwt-dev.jar to build  
TypeOracle.  The source code for such tools cannot be pulled in separately  
from the rest of gwt-trunk. So, the best option is to distribute these  
tools with the gwt distribution so that when they are run, a compatible  
version of the gwt-trunk code is available. Hopefully, these tools  
themselves do not substantially increase the size of the gwt distribution.
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