Thanks much Ryan, no worries here..
I posted a link to the sample code in my article..

On Dec 15, 5:50 pm, Ray Ryan <> wrote:
> Sony, even if this doesn't make it into the incubator there is nothing
> stopping you from placing it in your own Google Code project and publicizing
> it here and on users. I imagine there are a lot of DSL fans out there who
> might be interested.
> rjrjrOn Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 9:29 AM, Sony <> wrote:
> > For more info on this topic refer to my Article: Fluent DSL for Rich
> > UI
> > on
> >
> > on my blog:
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sony
> > On Oct 27, 11:55 am, Sony <> wrote:
> > > dflorey, Isaac
> > > Thank you for your comments.  First off, I want to make sure I am
> > > going about this the right way.  Was I supposed to post AxisPanel
> > > myself or wait for a reply from a sponsor?  I didn't join the group
> > > itself till after my 2nd email attempt.  Thanks again for posting this
> > > for me.
> > > Regarding: IDE Formatting:
> > > Good point - but to me the gain in readability with the manual
> > > indentation is worth not auto formatting select packages.  Most people
> > > use manual indentation anyways and resort to Auto formatting when
> > > files are checked in.
> > > Regarding: Unconventional method names:
> > > I expected this to be the main opposition from the GWT team.  See
> > > Martin Fowler's DomainSpecificLanugage and FluentInterfaces.  Some
> > > would argue against the conventional setter/getter/add method names
> > > for a complex domain.   What I have used is a Domain-Specific-Language
> > > (DSL) or a Fluent Interface (language within a language) to handle the
> > > complex domain of UI layouts.
> > > --
> > > Checkout Martin Fowler's entries.
> >
> > > --
> > > I would in-fact argue that using Fluent layouts all-around would
> > > benefit GWT greatly and bring about even greater usage - such Fluent
> > > layouts could out-do any framework with XML or HTML layouts if
> > > properly supported.
> > > Regarding: Just a helper class, no advantage over exiting panels:
> > > Yes, AxisPanel can be viewed as a helper class - nothing too
> > > innovative.  The innovative parts if any are: 1) combining Vertical/
> > > Horizontal layout concepts under one hood to create a very powerful
> > > layout in my experience - capable of laying out almost any complex
> > > layout needs and 2) providing a succinct readable DSL ("Fluent
> > > language within a language") for almost any complex layout needs.
> > > --
> > > I would in-fact argue against the need for several layout panels
> > > existing in GWT today - they could all be replaced with one
> > > AxisPanel.  I would like to push this same concept out to Swing as
> > > well - where layouts can be quite cumbersome.
> > > Regarding: GXT BorderLayout,
> > > The GXT BorderLayout you linked to is fantastic - especially the nifty
> > > pin/collapse functionality for each border panel.  I would have coded
> > > a border layout quite quickly as follows: (without the nifty pin/
> > > collapse of-course)
> > > AxisPanel p = new AxisPanel()
> > >     .y().width("100%")
> > >         .x(new ContentPanel()).css("north").width("100%").q()
> > >         .x().width("100%")
> > >             .y(new ContentPanel()).css("east").width("25%).q()
> > >             .x(new ContentPanel()).css("center").width("50%).q()
> > >             .y(new ContentPanel()).css("west").width("25%).q()
> > >             .q()
> > >         .x(new ContentPanel()).css("south").width("100%").q()
> > >         .q()
> > > Also consider: a different version: PinAxisPanel
> > > Say PinAxisPanel had a Fluent AxisPanel like interface with properties
> > > like collapse(true) (why restrict to just the border layout, any Panel
> > > could be made Pinnable/Collapsible).  I think this would be even more
> > > fabulous.
> > > Also consider: if layout requirements changed:
> > > Say the business wants to split the contents of the south panel into 3
> > > parts and move them adjacent to the contents of the east, center and
> > > west panels respectively (perhaps inside them place them at the top,
> > > center, and bottom respectively) and add different styling and so on.
> > > If my south panel's contents were laid out using the same AxisPanel in
> > > the same expression (instead of new ContentPanel()) - I could easily
> > > move the contents around until I obtained the right look and results -
> > > rather than creating new wrapper panels with new variable names,
> > > changing panel insertions etc.  Overall readability of my layout is
> > > easily grasped and modified.
> > > I'll chill, you relax, we'll just chillax,
> > > Sony
> > > On Oct 24, 5:04 pm, "Sony Mathew" <> wrote:
> > > > Hello again, I am still looking for a sponsor for AxisPanel.  I would
> > > > appreciate any feedback - good or bad.
> > > > I am currently evaluating GWT for our team as we would like to make the
> > jump
> > > > over to Rich UI.  Other frameworks we are evaluating include Flex and
> > > > Laszlo.  At a minimum we needed to demonstrate that we can layout our
> > > > current web-pages easily with a few sprinkles of rich widgets here and
> > > > there.
> > > > The drawbacks several developers pointed out immediately were 1)
> > verbosity
> > > > of the Java code 2) Layout structure not clear from the Java code and
> > 3)
> > > > Layout modifications required tedious wrapping in additional panels to
> > > > achieve desired look.  The last point was the most painful - needing to
> > come
> > > > up with more variable names new wrapper panels, updating existing panel
> > > > insertions, moving Style names around etc.
> > > > At this point GWT was pretty much knocked off the evaluation list in
> > favor
> > > > of XML declarative Flex or Laszlo. The idea of being able to stay in
> > Java
> > > > for the whole development cycle appealed to me greatly - but not at the
> > cost
> > > > of overall productivity.  But since I had this bias for Java and felt a
> > > > powerful OO language like Java should be able to provide better
> > > > expressiveness than an XML declarative equivalent - I decided to create
> > the
> > > > AxisPanel (I usually leave such things to experts).
> > > > AxisPanel was a bigger hit than I had first expected.  I was able to
> > > > transform the web-pages quickly.  Verbosity decreased to a minimum -
> > more
> > > > succinct than XML or HTML equivalents.  Clarity in structure is
> > immediate as
> > > > x / y indicates the direction of widgets and indentation shows nesting.
> > > > Modifications in styles and structure can be done in a snap as every
> > x/y
> > > > panel can be styled and new ones added quickly.  In most cases we could
> > > > layout a whole page in one Java expression.  I would like to push this
> > > > concept out to Swing and other OO UI frameworks as well.
> > > > AxisPanel definitely could be optimized (I put it together quick) -
> > e.g.
> > > > currently it uses a series of Vertical/HorizontalPanels - but could be
> > > > optimized to use the DOM API directly for more efficient output.
> > > > I would appreciate any feedback - good or bad.  Please see email below
> > and
> > > > attached java files for details on AxisPanel.
> > > > Thanks
> > > > Sony
> > > > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > > > From: Sony Mathew <>
> > > > Date: Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 11:32 AM
> > > > Subject: Looking for Incubator sponsor for AxisPanel.
> > > > To:
> > > > GWT makes it easy to create and listen to the widgets that the user
> > > > interacts with (like buttons, textboxes, etc.) but when designing a UI
> > one
> > > > can spend a considerable amount of time in layout of these interactive
> > > > widgets - positioning and spacing them just right. GWT does provide
> > many
> > > > layout Panels but their usage creates extremely verbose code that is
> > hard to
> > > > grasp after the layout is written.
> > > > AxisPanel provides a simple concise way to layout a complex UI using
> > short
> > > > continous expressions that place your widgets in either the X or Y axis
> > > > allowing you to recursively create a layout of any degree of
> > complexity.
> > > > Every intermediate X or Y axis panel is stylable and customizable on
> > the fly
> > > > within the same expression. AxisPanel can shrink a page length of Java
> > code
> > > > to one easy-to-read expression which enables easy experimentation until
> > your
> > > > layout is achieved. Allows you to focus your time/energy on the
> > interesting
> > > > dynamics that GWT handles so beautifully and less on the
> > not-so-interesting
> > > > layout details. AxisPanel is also more concise than its equivalent HTML
> > or
> > > > Declarative XML type layouts.
> > > > *Sample Usage:*
> > > >   AxisPanel p = new AxisPanel();
> > > >   p.css("search").size(800,600).align(0,0).space(10).border(1)
> > > >       .y().css("options").size(0.4,1.0).space(10).align(-1,0)
> > > >           .x("Enter your Search here:").q()
> > > >           .x(searchBox,searchButton).size(-10,-10).border(1).q()
> > > >           .q()
> > > >       .y().size(-10,-10).align(0,0).space(20).border(1)
> > > >           .x().css("header").size(10,200).align(0,0).border(1)
> > > >              .x(textbox2, label2).q()
> > > >              .y(textbox3, button3).q()
> > > >              .q()
> > > >           .x().css("help").border(1).size(100,20)
> > > >               .x(helpLabel, helpSearchBox, helpHyperLink).q()
> > > >               .y(textbox5, button5).q()
> > > >               .q()
> > > >           .x(searchResultsTable).css("results").size("100%","100%").q()
> > > >           .y(textbox6,button6).q()
> > > >           .q()
> > > > *How to Read:*
> > > >    - AxisPanel
> > > >    The root panel and the starting target to which all additions go.
> > The
> > > >    AxisPanel is a VerticalPanel (Y Axis) to start with.
> > > >    - .y(Widget...)
> > > >    Adds a VerticalPanel (Y Axis) to current target panel with the given
> > > >    Widgets. Switches target to this new Y Axis Panel and all further
> > actions
> > > >    are directed to this Panel. The added widgets will line up
> > vertically (Y
> > > >    Axis) within this new Panel.
> > > >    - .x(Widget...)
> > > >    Adds a HorizontalPanel (X Axis) to current target panel with the
> > given
> > > >    Widgets. Switches target to this new X Axis Panel and all further
> > actions
> > > >    are directed to this Panel. The added widgets will line up
> > horizontally (X
> > > >    Axis) within this new Panel. .x(String) is convenience shortcut for
> > .x(new
> > > >    Label(String)).
> > > >    - .css(String), size(int,int), border(int), space(int) etc.
> > > >    Add css class, size, borderWidth, spacing etc. to the target widget.
> > > >    size() is overloaded e.g. negative and double values are relative to
> > > >    parent's size.
> > > >    - .q()
> > > >    Done adding to the current target Panel. Switches target back to
> > parent
> > > >    panel in use before this panel. Every x() or y() axis additions
> > should end
> > > >    with a q(). But You do NOT close the root AxisPanel with a q() since
> > The
> > > >    expression can be restarted on
> > > ...
> > > read more »

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