What is the best way to access command line options from within
visitor classes? JJSCompiler has them, but it seems you cannot reach
the JJSOptions via a JProgram reference, which means you'd have to
patch JJSCompiler everytime you add an option to pass the options to
the visitors as parameters or fields.


On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Ray Cromwell <> wrote:
> I just looked at doing this. The first target seems to be in GenerateJavaAST:
> private JExpression maybeCast(JType expected, JExpression expression) {
>      if (expected != expression.getType()) {
>        // Must be a generic; insert a cast operation.
>        JReferenceType toType = (JReferenceType) expected;
>        return new JCastOperation(program, expression.getSourceInfo(), toType,
>            expression);
>      } else {
>        return expression;
>      }
>    }
> If I add a check for an option, and make this routine a no-op, is it
> going to work, or break something? Alternatively, I can replace calls
> to canCastUnsafe/dynamicCast with no-ops further down in the
> processing and get rid of all casts.
> The setCheck code appears to be in ArrayNormalizer:
> /*
>         * See if we need to do a checked store. Primitives and (effectively)
>         * final are statically correct.
>         */
>        if (elementType instanceof JReferenceType) {
>          if (!((JReferenceType) elementType).isFinal()
>              || elementType != x.getRhs().getType()) {
>            // replace this assignment with a call to setCheck()
>            JMethodCall call = new JMethodCall(program, x.getSourceInfo(),
>                null, setCheckMethod);
>            call.getArgs().add(arrayRef.getInstance());
>            call.getArgs().add(arrayRef.getIndexExpr());
>            call.getArgs().add(x.getRhs());
>            ctx.replaceMe(call);
>          }
>        }
> Seems easy to preference the outer-conditional here with
> "arrayTypeCheckOption.isSkipTypeCheckEnabled()"
> The latter two, I'm not exactly sure of the semantics you're asking
> for. Seems like eagerly evaluating clinits could be complicated,
> especially if someone is counting on their deferment and
> order-of-evaluation properties. I think you'd need a control flow
> graph to do it properly.
> What does obfuscated class literals mean? Do you mean obfuscating the
> packagename/classname/supername passed into the createForClass method?
>  I have noticed a huge number of getClass() methods in my output
> Javascript, the vast majority of them unused. They can't be pruned it
> appears because of invocations on Object.getClass(), which rescues all
> of them. There are only 4 calls to Object.getClass() in my output it
> appears. The first is in the default toString() method. The second is
> in RuntimeException.getName(). The third is safety checks in arraycopy
> (could also eliminate in an optimization mode) I could do without
> either of these in OBF mode. The fourth is in serialization code.
> Reducing these is something to think about.
> -Ray
> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Bruce Johnson <> wrote:
>> Does anybody actually have a patch that does any of this? I'd love to see
>> numbers on flags like:
>> -Xopt:skipGenericCasts
>> -Xopt:skipArrayElemTypechecks
>> -Xopt:eagerClinits
>> -Xopt:obfuscatedClassLiterals
>> I think there's a bunch of pretty low-hanging fruit here.
>> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Andrés Testi <>
>> wrote:
>>> Ray:
>>> What happends if you extends ArrayList to avoid generics?:
>>> class RangeAxisArrayList extends ArrayList<RangeAxis>{}
>>> - Andrés
>>> On 23 ene, 16:52, Ray Cromwell <> wrote:
>>> > Here's the scoop. I changed a field in Chronoscope from RangeAxis[] to
>>> > List<RangeAxis> and suffered ~50% performance regression. An Axis is a
>>> > class
>>> > responsible for mapping values in the range [low, high] to [0,1], among
>>> > other things, so it is a hot class/method in Chronoscope. After
>>> > profiling, I
>>> > noticed the method was no longer being inlined, and a huge number of
>>> > calls
>>> > to dynamicCast/canCastUnsafe appeared. This brings to mind two
>>> > optimizations:
>>> >
>>> > 1) if a method's return type is covariant in a generic type, do not
>>> > insert a
>>> > cast or cast check. Assume that the method *will* return objects of this
>>> > type at the callsite.
>>> > 2) eliminate dynamicCast/canCastUnsafe altogether. These methods only
>>> > exist
>>> > to throw class cast exceptions. I can't believe that there's any code
>>> > that
>>> > actually expects these exceptions and depends on them being thrown
>>> > except
>>> > perhaps unit tests. Anyone running unit tests or UI tests in hosted mode
>>> > will get these exceptions during development, so it seems the only use
>>> > case
>>> > might be web-mode unit tests.
>>> >
>>> > But for production deployed code, dynamicCast/canCaseUnsafe/setCheck/et
>>> > al
>>> > seem to just be bloat and a performance hit to boot. Can we get a
>>> > compile
>>> > mode that removes them? Maybe an -XX method, or some other mechanism
>>> > which
>>> > says "I want potentially unsafe, but super fast code"?
>>> >
>>> > -Ray
>> >>


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