I just notice the "About" class has not the GWT_VERIOSN_NUMBER set.
Seems the code expects some String replacement for @gwt_vers...@.

I'm using About.GWT_VERSION_NUM constant in gwt-maven-plugin to detect the
GWT version used when user provides it's own implementation.


On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 1:34 AM, Scott Blum <sco...@google.com> wrote:

> Greetings GWT developers,
> The GWT team is happy to announce the availability of 1.6 Milestone 1!
> Binary distributions are available for download directly from GWT's Google
> Code project.
> http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/downloads/list?can=1&q=1.6.0
> As always, milestone builds like this are use-at-your-own-risk. There are
> known bugs, and it definitely isn't ready for production use. Please expect
> some trial and error getting everything to work. The javadoc that comes
> bundled with the distribution should be up-to-date, but the online Developer
> Guide (http://code.google.com/docreader/#p=google-web-toolkit-doc-1-6) is
> still very much a work in progress. We will be updating it over the next
> several weeks. In lieu of an up-to-date Developer Guide and release notes,
> below are the major highlights relative to GWT 1.5.3.
> *** New Project Structure in GWT 1.6 ***
> One of the biggest changes to GWT 1.6 is a new project structure. The old
> output format has been replaced by the standard Java web app expanded "war"
> format, and the actual directory name does default to "/war". Note that the
> war directory is not only for compiler output; it is also intended to
> contain handwritten static resources that you want to be included in your
> webapp alongside GWT modules (that is, things you'd want to version
> control). Please also note that the "GWTShell" and "GWTCompiler" tools will
> maintain their legacy behavior, but they have been deprecated in favor of
> new "HostedMode" and "Compiler" tools which use the new war output. When 1.6
> is officially released, we will be encouraging existing projects to update
> to the new directory format and to use the new tools to take advantage of
> new features and for compatibility with future GWT releases.
> The sample projects provided in the GWT distribution provide an example of
> correct new project configurations. For more details on the specifics of the
> new project format, please see GWT 1.6 WAR design document (
> http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/wiki/WAR_Design_1_6).
> A couple of important changes we should highlight here:
> - Projects with server-side code (GWT RPC) must configure a "web.xml" file
> at "/war/WEB-INF/web.xml". This web.xml file must define and publish any
> servlets associated with the web application. See the included DynaTable
> sample. Additionally, server-side library dependencies must be copied into
> "/war/WEB-INF/lib". For example, any GWT RPC servlets must have a copy of
> gwt-servlet.jar in this folder.
> - HTML host pages will no longer typically be located in a GWT module's
> public path. Instead, we'll be recommending that people take advantage of
> the natural web app behavior for serving static files by placing host pages
> anywhere in the war structure that makes sense. For exmaple, you might want
> to load a GWT module from a JSP page located in the root of your web app. To
> keep such handwritten static files separate from those produced by the GWT
> compiler, the latter will be placed into module-specific subdirectories. Any
> page that wishes to include a GWT module can do so via a script tag by
> referencing the GWT-produced "<module>.nocache.js script" within that
> module's subdirectory. As of 1.6, we'll be recommending that only
> module-specific resources used directly by GWT code, such as image files
> needed by widgets, should remain on the public path. See the included
> Showcase sample for some examples of this distinction.
> - When you do need to load resources from a module's public path, always
> construct an absolute URL by prepending GWT.getModuleBaseURL(). For example,
> 'GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "dir/file.ext"'. This advice has not changed, but
> in the past it was easy to be sloppy with this, because the host page and
> GWT module typically lived in the same directory, so using a relative URL
> would usually do the right thing. Now that GWT modules live in a
> subdirectory, you must reference public resources through
> GWT.getModuleBaseURL().
> *** Hosted Mode Enhancements ***
> Although the legacy GWTShell still uses an embedded Tomcat server, the new
> HostedMode runs Jetty instead. There is also a new "Restart Server" button
> on the main hosted mode window. Clicking this button restarts the internal
> Jetty server, which allows Java code changes to take effect on the server
> without having to completely exit and restart hosted mode. This is useful
> when making code changes to RPC servlets, or when serializable RPC types are
> modified and the server and client are out of sync.
> *** New EventHandler System ***
> Event handlers have been added to replace the old event listeners used by
> Widgets, History, and various other classes. The new system has a few
> differences from the old system:
> - EventHandler methods always take a single parameter: the GwtEvent that
> the Widget fired. For example, ClickHandler has a single method
> onClick(ClickEvent).
> - Each GwtEvent contains accessors relevant to the event, such as the key
> that was pressed on KeyEvents. Native events provide access to the
> underlying native event object.
> - Each EventHandler defines only one method, so you do not need to create
> empty methods just to satisfy the interface requirements.
> For users who create their own Widgets, you no longer need to manage
> listeners manually. Every Widget has a HandlerManager that manages all of
> its handlers. For native events, such as ClickEvent, just call
> addDomHandler() from within your code to register a handler and sink the
> associated event on the Widget. When the native event is detected, the
> handler will automatically be called. For logical events, such as
> SelectionEvent, call addHandler() and fire the event manually using the
> fireEvent() method.
> You can see examples of EventHandler usage in many of the updated GWT
> widgets and samples, or in new projects created with the new webAppCreator
> tool.
> You can now trigger a native event on almost any Element. Create a new
> native event using the Document.create*Event() methods, then dispatch it on
> a specific Element by calling Element.dispatchEvent(). These methods allow
> you to expand your test coverage in ways that were previously impossible.
> *** New Widgets ***
> DatePicker
> The new DatePicker and DateBox widgets allow your users to select a date
> from a calendar. The Showcase sample provides examples of both of these
> widgets.
> LazyPanel
> The new LazyPanel widget allows you to delay the creation of certain
> sections of your application until they are first accessed, improving
> startup performance. For example, if your application has a seldom used
> "Help" section, you can wrap it in a LazyPanel and create the user interface
> only if and when the user tries to access it. To use the LazyPanel, extend
> the class and override the abstract createWidget() method. The
> createWidget() method will be called the first time you call setVisible() on
> the LazyPanel.
> *** Fixed Issues ***
> Please see our bug tracker for a full list of fixed issues and enhancements
> (
> http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/list?can=1&q=status:Fixed,FixedNotReleased%20milestone:1_6_RC&num=1000
> ).
> As always, please report bugs to our issue tracker (
> http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/list) after doing a
> quick search to see if your issue has already been reported.
> Happy coding,
> Scott, on behalf of the GWT team
> >


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