On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Scott Blum <sco...@google.com> wrote:

> Some of our future plans for speeding up hosted mode significantly involve
> using class files already compiled by javac or an IDE rather than always
> compiling everything fresh from source.  However, we've run into some
> problems where different compilers can follow different conventions on how
> anonymous classes are handled.
> This is causing difficulties in two specific areas:
> 1) Modeling anonymous inner classes in TypeOracle.
> 2) Referencing anonymous inner classes from JSNI.
> I propose that we deprecate both of these features in 1.6, and remove them
> in 2.0.  We were able to support this in the past by having complete control
> of the compiler toolchain (JDT only) at the cost of a lot of runtime
> overhead.  But looking back, I now question the wisdom of allowing
> references to things that, by definition,  don't even have a name.

I think removing JSNI references to anonymous classes is fine, but I am not
sure about removing them from TypeOracle.  I think a generator can already
not rely on the generated classname so I don't see a problem if there is
further variability, but it should be able to know that it exists.  I
believe some code currently uses anonymous classes for Messages interfaces,
and it would seem bad to break that without good reason.

While we are on the subject, I think we should choose either source or
binary names for JSNI rather than allowing both.

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google


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