On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 5:28 AM, Paul Robinson <ukcue...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you give a code example that shows what would qualify as exclusive,
> base or leftovers? It's not clear to me what would consistute each
> category. In the leftovers description, it makes a passing reference to
> "the second split point", but I can't quite work out whether that should
> be "a second split point" or whether secondary split points are what
> help create leftovers.

It's a good idea, although it would take a fair volume of code to put
two or three split points in it.

I can quickly answer these specific questions, though:

First, there are no "secondary" split points.  The "second" in that
case means that it's the second split point reached during one
execution of the program.  During another execution, the split points
might be reached in a different order.  I've removed the sentence,
now.  The real point is that smaller is good, and the precise reason
is too much information for this document.

Second, a piece of code is exclusive to a split point if there's no
way it can run unless that split point's callback has run.  Leftovers
are simply the bits of code that don't go into any other fragment.



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